Origins of Familiar Phrases

The following is reprinted from The Best of Uncle John's Bathroom Reader.  


Meaning: Get very angry, very quickly.

Origin: Refers to axe heads, which, in the days before mass merchandising, were sometimes fastened poorly to their handles. If one flew off while being used, it was a dangerous situation ... with unpredictable results.


Meaning: Luxurious, prosperous.

Origin: The tastiest parts of a hog are its upper parts. If you're living high on the hog, you've got the best it has to offer.


Meaning: Fool someone.

Origin: "Goes back to the days when all gentlemen wore powdered wigs like the ones still worn by the judges in British courts. The word wool was then a popular, joking term for hair ... The expression 'pull the wool over his eyes' came from the practice of tilting a man's wig over his eyes, so he couldn't see what was going on."


Meaning: Prostitute.

Origin: Although occasionally used before the Civil War, its widespread popularity can probably be traced to General Joseph Hooker, a Union soldier who was well-known for the liquor and whores in his camp. He was ultimately demoted, and Washington prostitutes were jokingly referred to as "Hooker's Division."


Meaning: Reveal the truth.

Origin: Refers to a con game practiced at country fairs in old England. A trickster tried to sell a cat in burlap bag to an unwary bumpkin, saying it was a pig. If the victim figured out the trick and insisted on seeing the animal, the cat had to be let out of the bag.


Meaning: To preempt; to draw attention away from someone else's achievement in favor of your own.

Origin: English dramatist John Dennis invented a gadget for imitating the sound of thunder and introduced it in a play in the early 1700s. The play flopped. Soon after, Dennis noted that another play in the same theater was using his sound-effects device. He angrily exclaimed, "That is my thunder, by God; the villains will play my thunder, but not my play." The story got around London, and the phrase grew out of it.


Meaning: To pay a high price; to pay dearly.

Origin: Comes from the ninth-century Ireland. When the Danes conquered the Irish, they imposed an exorbitant Nose Tax on the island's inhabitants. They took a census (by counting noses) and levied oppressive sums on their victims, forcing them to pay by threatening to have their noses actually slit. Paying the tax was "paying trough the nose."


Meaning: A muscle cramp.

Origin: In 1640, Charles I of England expanded the London police force. The new recruits were nicknamed "Charleys." There wasn't enough money to provide the new police with horses so they patrolled on foot. They joked that their sore feet and legs came from riding "Charley's horse."


Meaning: Inadequate, subpar.

Origin: In the early days of boxing, there was no bell to signal the beginning of a round. Instead, the referee would scratch a line on the ground between fighters, and the round began when both men stepped over it. When a boxer couldn't cross the line to keep a match going, people said that he was not "up to the scratch."


Meaning: Caught in the act.

Origin: For hundreds of years, stealing and butchering another person's livestock was a common crime. But it was hard to prove unless the thief was caught with a dead animal ... and blood on his hands.


Meaning: Make a nasty gesture at someone (usually with the middle finger uplifted).

Origin: There are many versions. The "cleanest": Originally "the bird" referred to the hissing sound that audiences made when they didn't like a performance. Hissing is the sound that a goose makes when it's threatened or angry.


Meaning: Fail.

Origin: From the British sport of cricket. When you fail to score, you get a zero - which looks like an egg. The term is also taken from baseball, where a zero is a "goose egg."


Meaning: Make peace with an enemy.

Origin: Some Native American tribes declare peace by literally burying a tomahawk in the ground.


Meaning: Chat; engage in idle conversation.

Origin: Originally a sailor's term. Before refrigeration, ships carried food that wouldn't spoil. One of them was salted pork skin, a practically inedible morsel that consisted largely of fat. Sailors would only eat it if all other food was gone... and they often complained as they did. This (and other) idle chatter eventually became known as "chewing the fat."


Meaning: To the very end - often an unpleasant one.

Origin: Surprisingly, it has nothing to do with bitterness. It's a sailing term that refers to the end of a mooring line or anchor line that is attached to the bitts, sturdy wooden or metal posts that are mounted on the ship's deck.


Meaning: Something is wrong with the person or mechanism.

Origin: The phrase comes from the cotton industry and dates back as far as the 1780s, when the industrial revolution made mass production of textiles possible for the first time. Huge mills sprang up to take advantage of the new technology (and the cheap labor), but it was difficult to keep all the machines running properly; any machine that broke down or produced defective cloth was said to have "a screw loose" somewhere.


Meaning: Someone appears after you mention them.

Origin: People once believed that you could actually summon the Devil by saying his name.


Meaning: Pampered; lucky; born into wealth or prosperous circumstances.

Origin: At one time, it was customary for godparents to give their godchild a silver spoon at the christening. These people were usually well-off so the spoon came to represent the child's good fortune.


Meaning: To present a united front.

Origin: "In the old-time European armies, the soldiers were aligned side by side, in neat rows, or ranks, on the battlefield. When the enemy attacked, officers would order the troops to close ranks; that is, to move the rows close together, so that the enemy faced a seemingly impregnable mass of men." (From Fighting Words, by Christine Ammer)


Meaning: Worthless.

Origin: According to Robert claiborne in Loose Cannons and Red Herrings, it refers to city streets as they were before cars. "When I was a youngster on the streets of New York, one could both see and smell the emissions of horse-drawn wagons. Since there was no way of controlling these emissions, they, or the undigested oats in them, served to nourish a large population of English sparrows. If you say something's for the birds, you're politely saying it's horseshit."


Meaning: Socially unacceptable.

Origin: "The pale in this expression has nothing to do with the whitish color, but comes originally from the Latin palus, meaning a pole, or stake. Since stakes are often used to mark boundaries, a pale was a particular area within certain limits." The pale that inspired this expression was the area around Dublin in Ireland. Until the 1500s, that area was subject to British law. "Those who lived beyond the pale were outside English jurisdiction and were thought to be uncivilized." (From Getting to the Roots, by Martin Manser)


Meaning: I'm hoarse from a cold.

Origin: Surprisingly, this wasn't inspired by the croaking sound of a cold-sufferer's voice, but by a weird medical practice. "In the Middle Ages," says Christine Ammer in It's Raining Cats and Dogs, "infections such as thrush were sometimes treated by putting a live frog head first into the patient's mouth; by inhaling, the frog was believed to draw the patient's infection into its own body. The treatment is happily obsolete, but its memory survives in the 19th century term frog in one's throat."


Meaning: It fits perfectly.

Origin: Commonly thought of as a reference to the T-square, which is used to draw parallel lines and angles. But this phrase was used in the 1600s, before anyone called it a T-square. "A more likely explanation is that the expression was originally 'to a tittle.' A tittle was the dot over the 'i,' so the phrase meant 'to a dot' or 'fine point.'" (From Why Do We Say It, by Nigel Rees)


Meaning: A kiss, at the end of a letter.

Origin: In medieval times, when most people were illiterate, "contracts were not considered legal until each signer included St. Andrew's cross after their name." (Or instead of a signature, if the signer couldn't write.) To prove their sincerity, signers were then required to kiss the X. "Throughout the centuries this custom faded out, but the letter X [became associated] with a kiss." This is also probably where the phrase "sealed with a kiss" comes from. (From I've Got Goose Pimples, by Martin Vanoni)


Meaning: To perceive or understand a hidden meaning.

Origin: In the 16th century it became common for politicians, soldiers, and businesspeople to write in code. To ordinary folks, this writing was unintelligible. They concluded that the meaning was not in the lines of gibberish, but in the space between them.


Meaning: You're not young anymore; you're past your prime.

Origin: Until recent generations, there were no incubators and few warm hen houses. That meant chicks couldn't be raised during winter. New England growers found that those born in the spring brought premium prices in the summer market places. When these Yankee traders tried to pass off old birds as part of the spring crop, smart buyers would protest that the bird was "no spring chicken."


Meaning: An epithet.

Origin: In the 1800s, British sailors took women along on extended voyages. When babies were born at sea, the mothers delivered them in a partitioned section of the gundeck. Because no one could be sure who the true fathers were, each of these "gunnery" babies was jokingly called a "son of a gun."


Meaning: Raise your fists and get ready to fight.

Origin: In the early 1800s, the Duke of York, Frederick Augustus, shocked English society by taking up boxing. He gained such admiration from boxers that many started referring to their fists as the "Dukes of York," and later "dukes."


Meaning: Having a hidden agenda.

Origin: The expression comes from a story told by Benjamin Franklin. A man once praised Franklin's father's grindstone and asked young Benjamin to demonstrate how the grindstone worked. As Franklin complied, the stranger placed his own axe upon the grindstone, praising the young boy for his cleverness and vigor. When the axe was sharpened, the man laughed at Franklin and walked away, giving the boy a valuable lesson about people with "an axe to grind."


Meaning: Elite.

Origin: In the Middle Ages, the highest-level nobility and royal were served the choice part of a loaf of bread, the "upper crust," before it was offered to other diners.


Meaning: Finish a project by an appointed time.

Origin: The phrase was born in prisoner-of-war camps during the Civil War. Because resources were scarce, the prison camps were sometimes nothing more than a plot of land surrounded by a marked line. If a prisoner tried to cross the line, he would be shot. So it became known as the "deadline."


Meaning: Behave or act in accordance with the rules.

Origin: In the early days of the British Parliament, members wore swords in the House of Commons. To keep the members from fighting during heated debates, the Speaker of the House of Commons forced the Government and Opposition parties to sit on opposite sides of the chamber. Lines, two sword-lengths plus one foot apart, were drawn in the carpet. Members were required to stand behind the lines when the House was in session. To this day, when a member steps over the line during a debate, the speaker yells: "Toe the line!"


Meaning: Replacement or backup.

Origin: You might have caught William Tell without an apple, but not without a second string. In medieval times, an archer always carried a second string in case the one on his bow broke.

IN THE LIMELIGHT Meaning: At the center of attention.

Origin: In 1826, Thomas Drummond invented the limelight, an amazingly bright white light, by running an intense oxygen-hydrogen flame through a lime cylinder. At first, the bright light was used in lighthouses to direct ships. Later, theater began using the limelight like a spotlight - to direct the audience's attention to a certain actor. If an actor was to be the focal point of a particular scene, he was thrust "into the limelight."


Meaning: Short-lived success.

Origin: In the 1700s, the pan of a flintlock musket was a part that held the gunpowder. If all went well, sparks from the flint would ignite the charge, which would then propel the bullet out of the barrel. However, sometimes the gun powder would burn without igniting a main charge. The flash would burn brightly but only briefly, with no lasting effect.


Meaning: Someone who enjoys putting on a show, or who plays rather obviously to an audience (though not necessarily on stage).

Origin: An American phrase originating in the 1880s. Minstrel shows, the mass entertainment of the time, often featured less-than-talented performers who overacted. They frequently appeared in blackface, and used ham fat to remove their makeup. Thus, they were referred to as "ham-fat men," later shortened to "hams."


Meaning: A scapegoat, or something who is habitually picked on.

Origin: Hundreds of years ago, it was normal practice for a European prince to be raised with a commoner of the same age. Since princes couldn't be disciplined like ordinary kids, the commoner would be beaten whenever the prince did something wrong. The commoner was called the prince's "whipping boy."


Meaning: Go crazy or to act with reckless abandon.

Origin: Viking warriors were incredibly wild and ferocious in battle, probably because they ate hallucinogenic mushrooms in prebattle ceremonies. They charged their enemies recklessly, wearing nothing more than bearskin, which in Old Norse was pronounced "berserkr" or "bear-sark."


Meaning: Fool someone.

Origin: Years ago back-alley thieves worked in pairs. One thief, known as a "tripper up," would use a cane, rope, or piece of wire to trip a pedestrian, knocking them to the ground. While the victim was down, the second thief would rob them. Pulling your leg originally referred to the way the "tripper up" tried to make someone stumble. Today it only refers to tripping someone figuratively.


Meaning: Torrential rain.

Origin: In the days before garbage collection, people tossed their trash in the gutter - including deceased housepets - and it just lay there. When it rained really hard, the garbage, including the bodies of dead cats and dogs, went floating down the street.


Meaning: An illusion, a dream, a fantasy, an unrealistic goal.

Origin: Joe Hill, a famous labor organizer of the early 20th century, wrote a tune called "The Preacher and the Slave," in which he accused the clergy of promising a better life in Heaven while people starved on Earth. A few of the lines: "Work and pray, live on hay, you'll get pie in the sky when you die (That's a lie!)."


Meaning: Writer who churns out words for money.

Origin: In Victorian England, a hackney, or "hack," was a carriage for hire. (The term is still used in reference to taxi drivers, who need their "hack's licenses" to work.) Hack became a description of anyone who plies their trade strictly for cash.


Meaning: Old.

Origin: Originally used to describe old horses. As horses age, their gums recede, giving the impression that their teeth are growing. The longer the teeth look, the older the horse.


Meaning: Informer, traitor.

Origin: To catch passenger pigeons (now extinct), hunters would nail a pigeon to a stool. Its alarmed cries would attract other birds, and the hunters would shoot them by the thousands. The poor creature that played the traitor was called a "stool pigeon."


Meaning: Go about things in a circuitous manner, go around an issue rather than deal with it directly.

Origin: In the Middle Ages, people caught birds by dropping a net over a bush and clubbing the ground around it to scare the birds into flying into the net. Once a bird was caught, you could stop beating around the bush and start eating.

The article above is reprinted with permission from The Best of Uncle John's Bathroom Reader. Since 1988, the Bathroom Reader Institute had published a series of popular books containing irresistible bits of trivia and obscure yet fascinating facts. If you like Neatorama, you'll love the Bathroom Reader Institute's books - go ahead and check 'em out!

Hooker? Really? Pull the other one. (about a third of the way down) tells us, along with quite a few other sites (Wikipedia is one) that the use of the word "hooker" to describe prostitutes was around 20 years before the Civil War.
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A flash in the pan doesn't refer to musketry, comes from gold prospecting; specifically, panning for gold. When you swirl the dirt and gravel around in a pan, sometimes you see flakes of gold, but other times you think you do, but it turns out to just be a flash in the pan.
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A couple more:

"Costing an arm and a leg" apparently refers to pre-photographic portraiture. Each additional limb that was to appear in the painting of the individual(s) would add to the cost of the painting.

"Balls to the wall" supposedly refers to pushing the throttle levers of an airplane (which are topped by ball-shaped handles)fully forwards (against the wall of instruments and controls), which is the max power position.
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Re: "Let the cat out of the bag" --- The less-frequently used expression "to buy a pig in a poke" comes from the same con game. I know a couple of people who bought electronics at public auctions or yard sales without testing them first, only to discover that they were broken. They could be said to have bought a pig in a poke.

Re: "Lay an egg" --- The term "love," when used in the game of tennis, comes from the same etymology, but a different language. The French slang for "zero" is "goose egg" or simply "the egg" (en francais, "l'oeuf"). To an English-speaking tennis opponent not up on their French, a call of "L'ouef!" sounds a lot like "Love!", and thus...
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Following up on Juan Motaim's comment, the term "Hooker's Division" is actually a geographic location in Washington, DC. The Library of Congress has an old map showing that the area had over 100 Bawdy-houses and 50 saloons. It got its name because Hooker's soldiers were stationed there during the civil war. I placed the map over its contemporary geography in Google Earth to show how close it was to the White House and to point out that most of the business owners at that time were female. You can view it here.
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That's a nice big pile of fail. The term hooker has a Dutch origin, just like cookies. Hoek (pronounced like our 'hook') is the Dutch word for a corner, and hoekers would be people who spend all their time on street corners... such as prostitutes.
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Poor General Hooker. He was, allegedly, a ladies man but was not responsible for the term "hooker." However, the Massachusetts State House has an entrance named after him. The result is many signs with arrows leading you to the "General Hooker Entrance." I guess specialized hookers use a separate entrance.
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“Balls to the wall” supposedly refers to pushing the throttle levers of an airplane (which are topped by ball-shaped handles)fully forwards (against the wall of instruments and controls), which is the max power position.

Actually, much older than that, I've heard - ever look at an old steam engine? That bell shaped thing on the top? Inside of that are two balls that spin out to the wall of the bell, which pushes a lever to reduce the steam pressure, topping off the speed of the train - thus balls to the wall means all out, top speed for the train.
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Toe the Line.

Actually this is from Naval Boxing.

Two big sailors in the royal navy thunderign punches into each other and easch one of them had to keep his toes on his line.

You had to keep your toes on the line or lose.

You had to toe the line
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The "put up your dukes" entry is incomplete. Working-class Englishmen in London used a form of code known as rhyming slang. Examples: Apples & pairs = stairs, plates of meat = feet. Often the rhyming phrase was shortened, thus "titfor" became slang for "hat," because it was an abbreviated version of "tit for tat." In this argot, "Duke of Yorks" was rhyming slang for "forks" (a jokey usage, as hands are made to serve as forks when one is down on 'is luck). In this way, "Duke of Yorks" was shortened to "dukes."
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Regarding the above posting - excuse my slip; I meant "pears" of course, not pairs.

For more examples of rhyming slang, see Brophy and Partridge.
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This article is mostly a pile of piss.

'Lay an egg' - never heard of it, but have heard 'out for a duck' plenty.

Was going to comment on more, but it is too late tonight.

Never once heard the speaker shout 'toe the line' though.
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actually a lesser known origin of the finger, which probably made it popular, is in the 14th and 15th century when France and england were at war, the French, when they captured an English archer, used to cut off their middle fingers so they couldn't use their bow anymore, so whenever a Englishman passed by a Frenchman, the middle finger was shown as to say, "look, I still have my middle finger, you stupid SOB" or something along those lines.
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Raining cats and dogs acually refers to the time when (because roofs were made of hay, and they didn't have 2 story houses) cats and dogs snuggled up on the roofs of houses, and when it rained torrentially the cats and dogs would slide off the roof and fall to the ground.
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Actually, to "read between the lines" is atributed to medieval copy of books - annotations and comments on the meanings and interpretations of the lines of religious text copied were inserted - guess where - between the lines of the principal text copied.
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What is interesting is that, while reading, I was thinking, "This is a load of malarkey" on many of them. (Such as the middle finger one)

Then I began reading the comments and, at the same time, nodding my head in recognition. The comments about the middle finger is MUCH more understandable and believable than the one in the article.
Good job of that.
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As has been pointed out, when a batsman is out for no score in Cricket he scores a 'duck'. The phrase 'lay an egg' just doesn't exist in Cricket at all.

The French used to cut the first two fingers from English archers, therefore the English would give the French the 'V' sign to show their defiance. In Britain the 'V' sign is used to show aggressive intent, not 'flipping the bird'.
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I believe that the origin of the common text messaging 'lmmfao' - meaning 'laugh my mother f***** a** off' - originally came from me, approximately 10 or so years ago, when I still had dial-up, and I've been using it in chatrooms and everything. I had never seen anyone else use it until I had been for about 4 months. Then people started catching on.

Although, who knows. Maybe there's a particular origin for 'Laugh My A** Off' too.
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