Ugandan males in pre-op waiting to get circumcised!
To help reduce the risk of contracting HIV, Godfrey Kigozi of the Rakai health center in Uganda is promoting ... circumcision! And he's even got a song to encourage men (both boys and adults) to get circumcised:
Isaak Simba and his band mates call themselves the Circ Squad. Simba says they all got circumcised last summer and they wrote this song to answer some common questions.
"Everyone asks you the question, so doesn't it hurt, so what, I have to put on a dress, and the thing is, everything is in the song. If you take your time, and listen carefully, you'll get everything there, because we advise you accordingly (heh heh)"
"It can be painless, harmless, and brother you know what? You can be right back at your job, with your pants on like you ...., but best of all, you don't need a sick holiday....
Link - Thanks Tiffany!
It's possible to have unprotected sex with someone wth HIV and not contract it. (although that is clearly a *very bad idea*).
I think the circumcision part comes into play (if you'll excuse the pun) in this case... WIthout circumcision, the tip of the penis can act like a little 'protection pocket' for the virus, allowing it to stay infective for longer.
I've also heard that uncircumcised penises can harbor HPV. Wash well, guys... wash well.
To think, the solution lies in education and providing protection, and yet we see circumcision, preaching of abstinence and pseudoscience being offered instead. *sigh*
According to the World Health Organization and the National Institute of Health it does. I would call a documented (in the journal of medicine) 53% reduction of the chance of contracting HIV significant.
What happens is that the underside of the foreskin is rich in Langerhans cells, sentinel cells of the immune system, which attach easily to the human immunodeficiency virus, which causes AIDS. The foreskin also often suffers small tears during intercourse allowing these cells to enter the blood stream.
Sorry to confuse you with the facts, Peeves.
The WHO has been snowed with all this. One study does NOT mean anything. Especially as the original study was so flawed. (Seriously, you're gonna bust out the study, you might want to research what went into the study ITSELF.)
You're so called "facts" are questionable. I mean I can pull up studies that show global warming is both happening and not happening. So I'd get down off that penis mutilating high horse of yours before you fall off.
1) Circumcision in no way helps the body fight STD's. We were taught that in grade 7 health class, back in 1992! We know better, and its simply propoganda that ties into the next point...
2) Why not simply advocate condom use? Answer: Uganda (as well as Nigeria) has been falling under the sway of a particular group of Catholic extremists who preach that condoms are the tools designed by the west that actually INFECT people with HIV! Why? In order to sell more pharmaceuticals and keep African countries poor and subservient to America's wishes.
And so the fear-mongering goes on, and is literally killing people.
These numpties would rahter have their pricks peeled than put on a condom.
HAving your genitals mutilated as a new born is one thing,one totally awful thing, but having it done as an adult is APPALLINGLY PAINFUL.
Why are so many people gung ho for putting the scalpel, or rusty pen knife in sub-saharan africa, to their genitals?
Absolutely mad.
Sorry to point out facts but you're the only person who seems to think statistics like that actually exist. Would you like to cite to them? And make sure they aren't from right wing think tanks who advocate abstinence only sex ed? Or should I keep thinking that no, circumcized men are NOT 53% less likely to contract HIV and you're part of the problem. 53%??? That's a perfect example of retarded science.
I have no dog in the fight here I just choose to look at all of the facts and not have a knee-jerk reaction based on whatever preconceived ideas I might have.
If someone wants to be circumcised as an adult that's their choice. No one is making them do it. Just like no one is making them have unprotected sex. I very much support the use of condoms or even (Gasp!) monogamy.
Obviously this is not a magic bullet cure for aids and no one is claiming that it is. I'm amazed that people who argue so angrily and ask me to post proof don't show me the same. I'm more than willing to maintain a civil discourse. But you have to first be intellectually honest. My sources are a reputable journal of medicine, the World Health Organization, and UNAIDS (the Joint United Nations Programme on Hiv/Aids. What's yours?
The 60% protection rate beats out any of the hopeful predictions for an AIDS vaccine, which is still 7-10 years away, after the last batch of vaccines failed.
Sure, condoms are a much better prevention strategy (particularly when circumcision doesn't affect transmission - so they can still pass it on), but snipping off the foreskin could be the kindest cut in an epidemic that is absolutely destroying Africa, particularly when we've just seen dramatic horrific failures in the trials of microbicides based on nonoxynol-9 (ie. a vaginal jelly shield) and the most recent batch of vaccines.
While scientists are working on new strategies, circumcision in the meantime could well help save the continent (ideally as part of a strategy that involves condoms and other preventative measures).
We're talking about people's lives here.
Don't confuse them with the facts.