Neatorama reader Ariane said that she was thinking of us when she wrote this blog post about an unusually named Yorkshire village in England:
The first time I saw it was in 2003 and I shouted as loud and as brash as my western American accent could allow. “PENIS TONE? What pervert names a village PENIS TONE?”
The car full of natives started to giggle…then they chuckled and then they laughed hysterically at my expense.
Debbie, the eldest of the bunch, tried not to be condescending but unfortunately failed when she spoke “It’s pronounced penny stone”
Link - thanks Ariane!
I couldn't decide what she was trying to say when she said she was thinking of Neatorama ... :)
My mum lives near Pratts Bottom.
me and my house mate ALWAYS have to ask the taxi driver to go to 'penis stone road' when weve had a night out, its too funny not to!