Archive for August 4th, 2008

Yellow School ... Tricycle?

It's yellow and transports students to schools. A school bus? No - a school tricycle! Only in New Delhi - via Mandelrot...

Questions NOT to Ask in a Job Interview

Times are tough - and if you're looking for a new job, Look at This blog has a nice tip for you: the 10 questions you should NOT ask in a job interview.Here are a few:10. What's your company's policy on severance pay...

VW Van Camper + Pancake = Vancake!

Artist Andy Saunders teamed up with VW parts and accessory company Just Kampers to create the "Vancake" the world's lowest Volkswagen Bus!The 3-foot (1 meter) tall VW Bus entitled "Vancake" that&#...

Reasons to Date a Unicorn

After the success of Zombie Harmony and 9 Reason NOT to Date a Tyrannosaurus Rex, Matthew Inman launched another funny microsite: 10 Reasons It Would Rule to Date a Unicorn.Reason I: They Fart Glitter. Good enough for me...

Student Inspired by Grand Theft Auto IV to Rob and Kill Taxi Driver

The sales of the insanely popular video game Grand Theft Auto IV have been halted in Thailand because of a copycat murder:One of the largest video game distributors in Asia has halted sales of the Grand Theft Auto IV...

The Ten Commandments in Road Sign Pictograms

Artist Deborah Grumet of the ABCs of Art took the Ten Commandments and illustrated them in the style of road sign pictograms!This one to the left is the Sixth Commandment: "You shall not murder." Can y...

The Reports of Life on Mars are Greatly Exaggerated

A few days ago, Craig Covault wrote an article for Aviation Week claiming that the Mars Phoenix lander didn't just find ice - it had discovered "potential for life" on Mars and that the White House was briefed...

Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon Proven With Microsoft IM Data

Using records from the Microsoft Messenger Instant Messaging database, researchers have just proven (again) the Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon theory:With records of 30 billion electronic conversations among 180 million...

Curb Your Enthusiasm

Today's Lunchtime Quiz at mental_floss is about Larry David and his TV show Curb Your Enthusiasm. It's designed to get you through 'til the new season begins. I scored 20%, probably because I have never seen t...

Merit Badges for Real-World Skills

The Boy Scout Store has merit badges available for purchase for accomplishments that aren't spelled out in the Boy Scout Manual. Show off your accomplishments in the fields of drinking, cat herding, belching, and going b...

The Girl in the Window

The St. Petersburg Times reports on a feral child found living in an urban apartment under horrific conditions. Danielle was almost seven years old, yet she had never been to school, didn't speak, and did not react to hu...

We're Closed

A perfectly good reason to close down the business and go on vacation. Link -via Gigglesugar...

Comic Book Bandaids

This just makes sense. Bandaids are imprinted with exclamations that may serve as the story of how the "boo-boo" happened! "Ouch!" pretty much says it all. Link -via Geek Like Me...

The Olympics in Lego

The Hong Kong LEGO Users Group created this miniature version of the Olympics in Beijing in less than 100 hours. In this picture, you can see the National Aquatics Center. Other photos show the Olympic Stadium (also kn...

Best Star Wars Wedding Ever: I Declare You Mon Calamari and Wife

I declare you Mon Calamari and wife! Photo: jwinokur [Flickr]The awesomest wedding cake EVAR! Photo: jwinokur [Flickr]All of the guests are in costume! Photo: jwinokur [Flickr]There are Star Wars fan wedding, then there...

(Queen) Victoria's Secret: Bloomers Fetched £4,500 at an Auction

A pair of bloomers once owned by Queen Victoria had just fetched £4,500 at an auction: The knickers have a 50in (127cm) waist and date from the 1890s, which indicates the monarch had a large girth as she approa...

Swimmer's Speedo Fell Off in the Middle of a Competition!

This is pretty funny: a story about an Olympic swimming competitor whose Speedo fell out in the middle of the swim!Okay, so maybe it's a little unbelievable, but still enjoyable nonetheless: Link [embedded YouTube, in Ja...

Trevithick Locomotive Working Papercraft

Papercraft enthusiast "atom" made this kinetic (pushed by hand) sculpture of a Trevithick steam locomotive (Richard Trevithick [wiki] built the world's first working railway steam locomotive). Atom also has paper mod...

You Won't Lose THIS Remote Control!

Tired of losing your teeny tiny remote control? Get one that is almost a foot long!The built in shock absorber is great for those accidental drops, and the rubberized edges will make sure your remote, and furniture i...

Pastor Gave Prophetic Sermon - His Secret? MySpace!

Last Sunday, Pastor Irwin Allen of Peoria, Arizona, deliverd a sermon about sins so specific that some people in the audience gasped with recognition.So how did Pastor Allen gave such a "prophetic" sermon? He r...

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