Edgar Allen Poe animated by Jim Clark. See other poets at his poetryanimations YouTube channel. Link -via Digg
One of the greatest website i have ever seen. Excellent articles, videos,pictures, intresting news.I visit neatorama several times in a day. Keep it up.
I've come away feeling disappointed, not only did I not enjoy the reading but I think I've become spoilt and accustomed to spiffy animations. Basil Rathbone's reading of the Raven is the best I've heard.
Perhaps instead of gripping I should go off and produce my own..;-)
Sounded interesting, so I started watching but I fell into the uncanny valley when his skull started stretching and compressing in an attempt to portray expressions.
Basil Rathbone's reading of the Raven is the best I've heard.
Perhaps instead of gripping I should go off and produce my own..;-)
but slightly creepy