Really, Really Fat Dogs


When their owners handed over two fox terriers named Bert and Ernie because they could no longer care for them, the SPCA was astonished to see the fat dogs: Bert (pictured above) weighed 32 kg (71 lb) and Ernie weighed 44 kg (lb)!

SPCA operations manager Tracy Dunn said the team were speechless when they saw how overweight the dogs were. She said the SPCA often sees malnourished and underweight dogs and cats, so it was unusual to have two very overweight dogs handed in at once.

Dunn said animal obesity is becoming a major problem in New Zealand. "The nation's overweight people are in turn overfeeding and supersizing their pets."

Link - Thanks Greg Furtado!

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From seeing this, it just goes to show how over-treating ur pet can lead to many issues. in saying that, i have done some research on dogs and from what i have found out is that Bert may be a cross bred dog. Fox terriers even if over fed, will not grow to be this size. Take Ernie for example, he may be fatter than averaged sized Fox Terriers but is still same in length. therefor from my point of view, it is due to Bert being a cros bred dog that he is seen to be this oversized. in the end i just wish the very best for these two dogs and hope they reach their intended goal..
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Thats not a dog, thats a cow!
Can't anybody tell from the coloration? White with brown and black patches + big & fat = Cow!

Fat people owning fat dogs?
I once knew a girl that was a total slut.
She owned a dog with a big, fat Vagina!
Other dogs(both the four legged and the two legged kind) were always jumping over their fence.

My dog has a really big penis.
He's a Chuhuahua. His penis is bigger than he is!
His name is Pedro. Thats Mexican for Peter.
But my dogs name is Amador. Mexican! not Spanish.
The Spanish don't have a breed of dog.
They have bulls.............with really big testicles!
Horny bulls!..........with Horns!............Big ones!

Some people think the dog in the picture is a Jack Russel Terrier. Some people think its a Fox Terrier.
Maybe the only real problem is that nobody knows what breed of dog it really is. Maybe its a Fat Terrier?
It certainly looks like a Fat Terrier to me. The
owners ought to be punished for starving their dog.
To me, it kinda looks too skinny, now that we've established that its really a "Fat Terrier". Just think, if its an American Fat Terrier and not an English one. Then it needs to be even fatter yet.

Of course the owners could no longer take care of them.
What owners that have been eaten by their dogs "can" take care of anything after that? Yummy, a dogs favorite, "Master Meat". If the owner was having an identity crisis, then its "Master Mystery Meat"
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