Bizarro: Roman Chariot Bumper Sticker

It's Friday and so it's time for our weekly Bizarro feature - for those who are going to college soon, congrats! (And to their parents, our sympathies). And yes, it should've been Roma, but why be picky?

For more Bizarro, check out Dan Piraro's website and blog.

Previously on Neatorama: Latin You Should Know

Glad somebody pointed that out. I was just gonna say that "quod" in no way means "and," but as it turns out almost none of that is correct, even the vocab.
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It's horrible Latin though, which makes it not funny.

"My little one because my travel money I petition Rome university"?

I'd expect Piraro to be a bit more thorough than that.
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Te amo, Evil Pundit.

I think a better translation would be:

"Filius et pecunia mihi universitatem Romae adeunt."

Although it was normal for a person to seek opportunities in Rome, I believe the fashionable schools were still in Athens.
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