In 1996, Larry Page and Sergey Brin were Stanford University graduate students, working on their Digital Library Project, later known as Google. They needed a lot of storage, and the largest hard disk available was 4 gigabytes. So they connected ten of them together and built their own 40GB drive, in a case made of of Legos. It is now on display at the Stanford University Museum. Link -via the Presurfer
In 1996, Larry Page and Sergey Brin were Stanford University graduate students, working on their Digital Library Project, later known as Google. They needed a lot of storage, and the largest hard disk available was 4 gigabytes. So they connected ten of them together and built their own 40GB drive, in a case made of of Legos. It is now on display at the Stanford University Museum. Link -via the Presurfer
This smells of urban myth so badly. However, I do believe it.
So can lego sue Google for pwnership?
Good point! Bugger, missed the obvious.