Cops Pwned Google Street View Car

Google may be the big fish on the Net, but Google Street View Car got no respect from the cops on the street! Neatorama reader Chris Whiteoak sent us these series of photographs of a Google car being pulled over by the police ... here's the story, in Chris' own words:

I'm from Bradford, United Kingdom. I was just going on my lunch break at work today and i noticed a black car that had stopped at a red light. It had a "google" sticker on the side, and a large camera "thing" on the top. I decided to pull out my camera phone to take a pic, but just as i did a police car pulled up right behind it and put on it's lights and officer inside was motioning the car to pull over.

I then realised why, as the car was in the lane to go straight ahead, which was marked "bus / bicycle / taxi only", before i could take another pic, the google car sped off, went nearly the whole way round the block in busy Bradford city centre (the police still following now with lights and siren on!), before eventually pulling into a car park... which just happened to be the car park to the old police station!!!

When i eventually caught up i did manage to get a picture of the police car and the Google car pulled over in the car park, after which the officer got out of the car and started asking me not to take pictures! lol

Also, I'm hoping when they put the street level view for Bradford on google maps, am hoping there will be a cheeky pic of me taking a pic of the google car, which i can then upload to google earth my pic of the google car taking a pic of me (if that makes sense?!? lol) :-D

And now, the photos:

Let us know if there's a picture of you taking a picture of the Google Car on Google Earth and thanks Chris!

I saw one of these at a hotel. The driver was packing up and heading out. It was right after that "Google took pictures of my cat" debacle, so I asked her if she was taking pictures of cats. She said "No, actually I... oh. I see what you did there."
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I remember passing my driving test 9 years ago and the first time driving into Bradford (a week after passing) earned me a stop from the police, a £30 fine and getting breathalysed all for being confused by the bus route system. Bradford traffic police are obviously of the tallest order.
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Yeh the bus system in Bradford can be pretty confusing if you're not used to it.
I just thought it was funny seeing the google car being pulled, but then not actually pulling over until it had drove almost round the block, then the irony of the police officer asking ME not to take pictures!! lol
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With a half-decent paint job, I'm sure a Google car could easily pass for a taxi.

Do you think Google managed to shoot some new footage for that stretch of road? I doubt we'll be seeing the arrest on Google Maps anytime soon, but who knows...
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Address and rout of the chase:

This should bring up a route on gmaps pedometer, the route starts where the police put his lights on, and ends in the police station car park (as shown in the last pic)

I was started running round the block expecting the google car to pull over and was wanting to get a great shot of the car with police car behind with lights on, officer out giving a ticket etc, but he decided he would keep on driving and i guess pull in somewhere away from all the busy commuters or something.
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Just found this on the Telegraph website
Looks like they stole your story Alex!!
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Is it legal for a cop to ask a "civilian" to not take pictures of what's going on in a public area?

I don't think it is.

But there may be special rules about when they're in the specific act of engaging suspects...
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Awesome! Me and a colleague were caught by the car in Bradford on the same day, probably 10-15 minutes before he was pulled over. Can't wait for Bradford Street View to go live :)
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Digital, your friend's and your face will be blurred. On the one hand, I understand privacy concerns for those caught on film and presented in Street View. On the other hand, from a purely selfish viewpoint, it's a kick to see the expressions of those photographed. Visit and and check out some of their panoramas. No face blurring for either, but they don't get the press GE does.
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"...after which the officer got out of the car and started asking me not to take pictures! lol"

It is, generally - and certainly here, perfectly lawful to take photos of police doing their job. You were entitled to ignore him or tell him "Sorry it's lawful I'm keeping photographing". No offence was committed. Harassment of photographers is becoming a bit of an issue.

The delicious irony of a Googlecar being pulled is too funny.
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Keeping in mind that the officer *asked* for him to stop taking pictures.

No need to get all defensive to the officer.. He sure can't take you in for it.

Of course, the law is different in different places.
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Don't know if you saw it already. But Streetview got it!!,+UK&sll=52.373045,4.893186&sspn=0.010821,0.033045&ie=UTF8&ll=53.792495,-1.755779&spn=0.001176,0.0103&t=h&z=18&iwloc=addr&layer=c&cbll=53.792494,-1.755778&panoid=4Hmm_-eiQkSXx_c1kHPNLg&cbp=11,74.49096854301233,,0,9.734374999999995
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Although the police cannot ask you to stop taking photos of them on public property, they are very strict about taking photos on police property and it could be considered an offence.
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You can actually see the police car following if you go back far enough.

Plus... Could this be you?,+UK&sll=52.373045,4.893186&sspn=0.010821,0.033045&ie=UTF8&ll=53.792495,-1.755779&spn=0.001176,0.0103&t=h&z=18&iwloc=addr&layer=c&cbll=53.792494,-1.755778&panoid=4Hmm_-eiQkSXx_c1kHPNLg&cbp=11,74.49096854301233,,0,9.734374999999995
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If the cop (asked) you to not take a photo then it's illegal for the cop to do so or he wouuldn't be (asking) in the first place.

Which is why police officers (ask) to search your car because you are protected by your 2nd admendment against unreasonable search and seizure without a warrant.

(which is why they ask for a dog if you refuse) ;)

If taking the picture was illegal He would be TELLING you to not take a picture and likely would give you a punishment of some sorts seeing what they did to Google for something minor.
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