Now, I can’t guarantee you that any of these worries is groundless, because I can’t guarantee you that anything is absolutely safe, including the act of reading a newspaper. With enough money, an enterprising researcher could surely identify a chemical in newsprint or keyboards that is dangerously carcinogenic for any rat that reads a trillion science columns every day.
What I can guarantee is that I wouldn’t spend a nanosecond of my vacation worrying about any of these 10 things:
I just got home from my vacation, and I forgot the sunscreen, ate a hot dog, and drove around with the windows down AND the A/C on! Link -Thanks, Duke!
(image credit: Viktor Koen)
Update 7/30/08 by Alex: Treehugger has a "rebuttal" of this John Tierney article: Link - Thanks Chris!
That's why I don't eat hotdogs.;)
Hot dog is the one thing I won't feed my children without cutting the meat into very small pieces.
How can you take up less space than 0? Paper bags rot and turn into compost, which is not something plastic is known for.
His whole list reads like a really, really stupid person refuting ecological talking points: polar ice melting? It's not record-breaking this year, so we're safe for all eternity! Poison in your food? Well, if you didn't consume so much you wouldn't get ill! He has never encountered a worm hole in person, so we can stop worrying about climate change, poisonous chemicals and climate change (his _actual_ argument)! Laugh, it's funny!
Nor, dear monkeys, is the peanut gallery, from which you so humbly throw poop.
The Earth has been warming and cooling regularly over it's entire life history. Change is the only constant. I'm glad we are in a warming trend now, because in the last ice age, the area I live in was deeply covered by glaciers. That would have made it difficult for me to get to and from work each day. :)
Just because global warming doesn't affect /you/ badly, doesn't mean it won't affect others.
(Sorry for off topic, but self-centered comments like that get to me).
Kirkburn: Perhaps you should visit a seashore sometime and look for evidence of how the sea levels have varied over time.
I'm feeling claustrophobic now ...
One thing to scratch from your worry list is death.
According to Ray Kurzweil we is all gunna live to be 10,000. If'n u make it to 2030AD.
Thanks for sharing our piece:
We think we have some decent points regarding a couple of the issues. We don't touch on the hot dog, worm holes or sharks, but a few of his points were so far from accurate that we had to address them.
Dave: I spend way too much time arguing politics on a forum where half of the righties still think Obama's a Muslim, so don't tell me I'm out of touch with how not-bad they are. And BTW, maybe try visiting a climatologist (not a chemist or TV weatherman) and asking about global climate change, what's almost certainly causing it and what's probably going to happen as a result. The answer won't be as reassuring as the industry shills you've been hearing from.
Because they're significantly less well paid than the oil/energy companies?
OK, so I guess the Coke can have cocaine again...
I was really worried about #7