Part of the fun in writing for Neatorama is all the blogs I get to visit in search for posts. In three years of editing this blog, I've looked at and bookmarked quite a bit of blogs - but call it blogging fatigue, time-crunch or whatever, I realize that I've actually been regularly visiting only a small fraction of them. And I've come to realize how much I miss discovering new gems on the Web.
So, in the spirit of renewal, I'd like to ask you to introduce you and your blog: what it is all about and why we should all visit. I promise to visit (often if your blog is good!) ... and who knows, you'll probably see your blog featured on Neatorama!
Update 7/28/08 - Wow! That's great, you guys! It'll take me a while to go visit everybody's blogs but I definitely will. Please keep 'em coming (yes, shameless plugs are all right in this post). I noticed that some comments are caught by Neatorama's spam filters (Akismet and our secondary filter) - if your comment doesn't appear in several hours, please email me and I'll manually add your blogs to the ever-growing list.
Comments (305)
i blog about design, art and culture-related stuffs.
It's a bunch of awesome thoughts and cartoons I did. And it's funny.
Expect thoughts on were-sloths, (double) uni-corns, a sad tale about the tragic end to a honeybees life, and other such awsomeness.
It's still pretty new, but it will only get better.