The Big Picture: 16 great views of Jupiter

[View from Voyager: Jupiter's Great Red Spot (NASA) [flickr]]

The glorious planet Jupiter is back in the news again: the less than a year old "Baby Red Spot" in Jupiter's atmosphere was consumed by the better-known "Great Red Spot" over the course of three months earlier this year. My local paper - The Boston Globe - thought this would be a good occasion to showcase some of the best imagery of Jupiter and its moons available for their "The Big Picture (News stories in photographs)" feature. I agree - some of these images are stunning.

Update: Trivia question! If I said to you, "All these worlds are yours, except Europa. Attempt no landing there." You'd say to me ... ???

Did you know that the original book "2001" took place around Saturn not Jupiter? Kubrick thought the whole "sling shot around Jupiter" scene in the book was to technical and set the story around Jupiter instead. When Clark wrote 2010, he wrote it as a sequal to the movie 2001 (setting the story around Jupiter) and not the book.
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Ahhh I saw those pictures yesterday. They are fascinating. I especially enjoy the volcanoes on Io that erupt for hundreds of miles above the surface. It's amazing how far it can go with such little gravity. Simply Amazing!

And the colors are so great! I only wish we could see as many colors as the camera that captured those images.
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And the colors are so great! I only wish we could see as many colors as the camera that captured those images.

What a cool idea, Chris A. I never would have thought of it that way.
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