Seeing the Music

[YouTube - Link]

I've always been a fan of the great classical pieces of music from Beethoven, Mozart, Brahms, to all the other great composers. However, one holds a special place in my heart by Claude Debussy with his piece called "Clair de Lune" from "Suite Bergamasque" which I use almost nightly to stem my insomnia and quiet my wayward frazzled brain.

Using a neat graphical software called "Music Animation Machine" one can put in a MIDI file and see the visual representation of it. Performance and graphics were done by Stephen Malinowski. So, sit back...relax and let the music take you away. [via -]

I've always wondered what that song was called!
It's really beautiful.
They play it at the end of the newer Ocean's 11 movie.
Very soothing animation as well.
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Thank you *so much* for reminding me to dig out my (vinyl) copy of Tomita's "Snowflakes Are Dancing" - his amazing 1974 moog interpretations of Debussy's tone poems were the first time (as a very small kid) I'd ever been introduced to "classical" music - and many, many years later, I still have yet to hear any version that moves me more...
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I'm glad everyone is enjoying this. :)

@ Nick H

Oh, how I envy you with your vinyl copy of Tomita! Very old school synthesizing.

@ kateybug

Great minds think alike. :D

I have a question for everyone. What is your favourite piece of classical music you love listening to when you want to relax, dream, disappear from reality for just a moment or to pretend you are playing it? I'm sure you can guess which one mine is! ;)
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Weird case of synchronicity - this piece came up on my playlist not ten minutes before finding this post. It's my favorite classical piece as well.
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There actually is a game which was called Piano Hero.
It uses MIDI files too and can be played with a MIDI keyboard. A wonderful piece of software.
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This is very interesting software. I could hear every individual note while I was watching the animation. I hadn't expected the visual representation to improve my listening skills so much. Thanks for the find, will definitely spend some time investigating the animation machine.
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@ Johnny Cat

Oh, I love the piece you chose. It's definitely the type you can easily loose yourself in. Certainly invokes a lot of comforting imagery.
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Watch it, bud.
Who you calling bud, pal?
Who you calling pal, friend?
Who you calling friend, jackass?
Don't call me a jackass.
I just did call you a jackass.
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