The Watchmen Movie Trailer

Movie adaptation of comic - especially ones with many devoted fans like Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons' The Watchmen - is always dicey.

But if the trailer is any indication, The Watchmen movie is bound to be awesome! Always Watching has more info: | Large version at Empire

I was unsure of how this movie would turn out. It would be a travesty if something as brilliant as Watchmen turned out to be a bomb of a movie, but Zack Snyder has really outdone himself. This movie (at least the trailer) looks positively gorgeous and just as detailed as the novel. Also, I think Jackie Earl Haley has nailed Rorshach's voice perfectly. This is gonna be one hell of a flick.
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I'm rereading the graphic novel after seeing the trailer two days ago. I'm pumped! It's going to be visually amazing, I can't
wait to see Rorschach running around in real time.

I think all fans of this novel really have to go into the movie without great expectations. There's no way the story in the film will be as genius as the text. Different medium, and seeing the director, he'll probably make things very melodramatic. Nonetheless, go in ready to enjoy the 20-bagillion dollar budget put to good (sometimes good) use!
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Hey, the comic adaptation bar has not only been raised, by the likes of Batman and Ironman, I think Hollywood has also learned from its mistakes, by the likes of Fantastic Four and Superman Returns. Hopefully this carries through with an introduction to a worthy comic in artistic fashion.

The fact that it isn't all that well-known may hinder financing, which drives talent. Sad/true. I hope it rocks.
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I read the book last month (mistakenly thinking the movie came out this month), and have to say the look of the movie is great. Only complaints are wanting to see Rorschach's mask more clearly and wishing Comedian was bigger/bulkier. My last complaint is that the trailer is basically a music video. It was awesome but doesn't answer how or if the movie will contain elements such as the newsstand/pirate story/Under the Hood. I really don't want to get my hopes up on this because I'm very jaded and easy to let down. I saw The Dark Knight today in IMAX and was unimpressed (which is apparently a horrible sin).
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V for vendetta was horrible. They turned it into a cheap left vs. right fantasy when in reality the story was much more subtle and thoughtful.
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I had never heard of the watchmen until I saw the trailer yesterday, but I thought the visuals looked absolutely stunning. I can't wait to see this movie!

I liked V for Vendetta too, but I had never read the story before.
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Johnny Cat, it's different with Iron Man and Batman since there are several stories for those characters in their respected universe. Watchmen is a 12-chapter story completely wrapped up at the end. Not to mention one of the most dense stories ever. Unless this movie is 5 and a half hours long, they're going to have to cut some things, and pretty much everything is beneficial to the story in the book. That's why I'm not putting too much hope into the story of the film, I'll just go along for the ride.

I have a feeling they'll change the ending, too. I won't spoil it for people reading right now, or people who are going to read it, but the ending is a bit more dark than usual.
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I'm a bit surprised so many people think this looks good. I thought it looked completely over the top ridiculous. Usually I have to watch a move for the cheesy parts, but if they're filling up the trailer with them then the movie must just be .... wow.
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having watched the trailer...I don't know how this is going to appeal to people who haven't read the book (most people, including me). Looks really dumb. I predict a big flop.
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The original book is the opposite of 'dumb', so if the movie stays true to that your prediction will turn out to be incorrect.

Then again, in the book Adrian Veidt is presented the peak of physical and mental perfection and in this trailer he looks like "Rubber-nipple-suit-anguished-accountant-man"
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This trailer looks terrible. The song is terrible and a very poor fit (can you recycle soundtracks like this?). I do not see a shred of intelligence anywhere in that trailer. I think this will be one of those movies where those familiar with the book and those who aren't can join hands and hate in harmony.
I have no idea if it was the same for V for Vendetta, I will never know what it feels like to see that movie without having read the book. I only know what it feels like to watch a comic book milestone get crushed by the pretension of those dimwits who did Bound and the last two Matrix movies.
Please save comic books. Kill Hollywood. Kill them all.
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