Reserve a Spot in Heaven

You make reservations for restaurants and hotels, so why not heaven? Space is limited and Nate Davis and Edgar Kim of Seattle are selling reservations for the ever after on their website Reserve A Spot In Heaven:

"Why go to church when you can go to our Web site," Davis said. "Click, click, $12 and you're going up (to heaven)," he said.

And those reservations come with a money back guarantee. "We're men of our word," Davis said. "If you don't get there, you're going to get your money back," Kim added.

And just in case their website will cause them eternal damnation, Nate and Edgar got Reserve a Spot in Hell too.

KOMO News has the story: - Thanks Mason!

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How are you going to get your money back if youre in hell? I dont think 12 dollars would buy you out.

And yeah, Its almost exactly like pardons. Pardons were more for to buy off your sins. Not buy yourself into heaven.
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