Photo: sprkels [Flickr] - via the excellent Image of the Day from ParentDish blog - Thanks Lee!
Well, with the new Batman movie out and all, I thought this cute photo of Baby Batman would be perfect for Neatorama and Hobotopia's Caption Monkey game!
The funniest caption will win an original comic by Adam "Ape Lad" Koford from the recent archive of the Laugh-Out-Loud Cats. All you have to do is come up with some funny captions: please put your caption in the comment section (one caption per comment, please, but you can submit as many as you can think of). Good luck!
PS Check out this super cool sculpture of Pip of the Laugh-Out-Loud hobo cat!
Update 7/23/08 - Adam has picked the winner! Congratulations to madhen who won with this gem of a caption: "Quick, to the Bat Bjorn !" (Don't know what that's all about? Here's a BabyBjorn)
But these made me laugh out loud.
A Noun 7:21, AJC 7.31 are my favourites. Especially A Noun's.
"Just give me, er, uh, 25 years or so..."
Wait thats more tragic than anything, I suck
Yes Robin, don't ever buy novelty condoms from a man with green hair and a purple suit...
(as for those horrid songs on the radio I would like to plead the fifth for my self...and plead insanity for the rapper...when I am older I will amend them from the history of our fair city)
My Name is Batman.
You Killed my Father.
Prepare to Die.
(wonder when they're gonna come up with joker baby)