It's probably not a good idea to get a Japanese or Chinese character tattoo if you don't speak the language, but something in English is safe, right? Well, perhaps not if you can't spell: The L Magazine has a round up of the 10 greatest misspelled tattoos. My lack of spelling ability has always prevented me from getting a tattoo. That and general fear of pain.
Link - via Miss Cellania
Previously on Neatorama: Tattoo Typo Led to Lawsuit (The infamous Chi-tonw tat)
Comments (15)
melissa-- that's great your sister does that. i can't imagine how many people would screw up their own tattoo because they're illiterate. i'm wondering how many other tat places make you sign off on spelling, because you would think that to avoid later conflict ALL parlors would do that. you would also think all of them would ID as well... like they're supposed to... by law...
the guy's tat above, though, is actually quite hysterical. the fact that he would put "i'm awesome" on his back in the first place makes me believe he doesn't take himself seriously (which is good, because you have to be able to make fun of yourself). and what adds to the contradiction is that it's also misspelled. i don't know, it actually adds to the silliness of the tattoo itself. but i'm an optimist, and can make the most sad situation into the favorite of the day.
Though I love body art I would never get text on my body. It's such a commitment and as a typographer, I doubt I'd ever be happy with just any person's lettering. Even when I got my quotation marks ( I made the guy redo the templates 3 times before I was happy with the placement... then I made him touch up one side to even out the line width.
So all in all I say- shame to people who let tattoo artists free hand on them!