Whether you are new to the world of comic books or a regular reader, certain classics of the genre should be read by every comic book enthusiast.
mental_floss takes a look at 26 groundbreaking or otherwise important comics you ought to be familiar with -if you can find them! How many have you read? Link
Sure, it may seem silly, but, comic books mean something. Soldiers used dog-eared copies of Captain America to keep their spirits up in WWII. The Green Lantern and Green Arrow made kids actually think about issues like racism and heroin. And millions gasped when they heard the news that Superman died. In fact, the vibrant medium is so often pegged as children’s pulp, or fun for the feeble-minded, that people tend to forget that comics have actually grown with and continued to reflect the spirit of our times.
mental_floss takes a look at 26 groundbreaking or otherwise important comics you ought to be familiar with -if you can find them! How many have you read? Link
I felt the list overall leant too much towards the American comic industry with one token Manga....
Happy to see Maus tho.