Archive for July 21st, 2008

Neatorama T-shirts are Neato!

My daughters were excited to receive their Neatorama t-shirts! When you get yours (there are lots to choose from), model it for the camera and send us a picture. Link...

Dinosaur in a Museum

Extinct, my ASS! from The Original Joe Fisher on Vimeo. Forget Ben Stiller's movie "Night at the Museum" with the gigantic CG T-Rex skeleton chasing him around. This time there is a real...

Olympic Final Preparations

The Boston Globe has another set of eye-popping pictures of Olympic preparations in Beijing and other spots around China where events will be hosted. Final preparations for the 2008 Summer Olympics are in full swin...

O RLY Nails

Those are beautiful nails. Are they real? O RLY? Yes, Orly Nail Lacquer. The brand has been around a long time, but if you got a kick out of the ORLY chocolate bar, you'll like this, too. Link -Thanks, Ty!...

Fast Food Lawsuits

Fast food companies a lot of time and effort suing each other and their detractors, which can sometimes backfire by bringing more publicity! See The 7 Most Bizarre Fast Food Industry Lawsuits. Link -via Digg...

The 10 Greatest X-Files "Monsters"

The new X Files film is coming out this Friday. To get you ready, YesButNoButYes take a look at some of the weird monsters, aliens, and supernatural beings from the television series. The X-Files stands as not only...

Cooling with clay

Chris Gupta of New Media Explorer reports:This is Mohammed Bah Abba's Pot-in-pot invention. In northern Nigeria, where Mohammed is from, over 90% of the villages have no electricity. His invention, which he won a Rolex A...

Chocolate Memo Pad

The Brando website has just released a series of tasty chocolate style memo pads. The 10 x 9 x 2.3 cm large pad is available in three "flavors": Strawberry, Dark Chocolate or Coffee. The price set to $6 a pop. Linkcho...

Amazing Mario Wedding Cake

The Best Mario Cake Ever from last month faces some serious competition from this amazingly detailed creation by Beth from Let Them Eat Cake in Costa Mesa, California. We were looking for ideas to make our w...

The Brocken Spectre

A Brocken spectre is an apparently gigantic shadow cast in fog or mist, often surrounded by an aura. According to Wikipedia:The "spectre" appears when the sun shines from behind a climber who is lookin...

Elvis Matchstick Sculpture

Artist David Mach [official website | wikipedia] used 50,000 matchsticks to make this bust of Elvis. - via Furl...

Scary Snakes and How to Deal With Them

If there's one thing that scares and fascinates me at the same time, it's a snake. I can't help it - snakes just give me the heebie-jeebies. Take for instance, the black mamba snake:Know Thine Enemy:...

Federation Island and Other Amazing Artificial Islands

Deborah of Life in the Fast Lane wrote a neat mega-post about 45 of the world's most amazing artificial islands (both real islands and those in planning stages). Take for example, the Federation Island modeled above:...

Wanted: Kool-Aid Man

When Scott Van Den Plas noticed a wall fell over near his work, he and a friend quickly went to work on a poster to help apprehend the usual suspect: the Kool-Aid Man! (Doesn't make sense to you? See here)http://www.more...

Magic Slate Bag

Our pal Mario Marsicano at Jellio told us about some cool new items he's just gotten: like this magic slate bag (remember magic slates? They were the dime store toys you could write on, then erase by peeling back the pla...

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