Archive for July 18th, 2008

Baby Animal Alphabet

Talk about cute! Here is a collection of all kinds of baby animal pictures, arranged alphabetically. They get cuter once you get past the As. Pictured is a baby slow loris. Link -via b3ta...

Odd-Looking Marine Animals

The ocean is a huge environment, and we've only explored small portions of it. Here are some sea creatures that range from beautiful to scary, and all are just plain strange. Pictured is the umbrella mouth gulper eel....

Giant sized calamari rings

The recent public dissection of a giant squid in Melbourne this week has helped to uncover some mysteries  of these elusive creatures of the deep and raised further questions, including how best to prepare enormous ed...


ColourLovers has a collection of very colorful nudibranch photos, and their color palettes, too! Part of the mollusk phylum, Nudibranchs are the shell-less relatives of the snail and are known for their garish col...


This MowerCycle was created by some DIY-genius out of an old bicycle and a broken lawnmower, we’re saying “DIY-genius” because his identity remains unknown - and this cannot be found at online do-it-yourself...

Drill-Powered Mini Bike

If the mowercycle seems like too much work, how about using power tools? This bike is powered by a cordless drill! It will carry up to 250 pounds at about 15 miles per hour, and has a range of 2-6 miles, depending on t...

1950s Italian motorcycle police demonstration

This 1950s-era video ostensibly of Italian policemen demonstrating their skill as precision motorcycle drivers looks more like something one might expect to see from an acrobatic of dance troupe - not the police. I wo...

Put down the duckie

Ernie from Sesame Street learns rule #1 about playing the saxophone in this fun video from 1988. Check out all of the guest appearances! From the YouTube description:Another segment from the 1988 prime time PBS pledg...

Amazing Spiral Staircase

Photo: eagle-ffm [Flickr]Flickr user eagle-ffm took this great photo of a fantastic spiral staircase at Garvan Institute in Sydney, Australia: Link - via ReubenMiller...

Seven Deadly Sins Wine Glasses

Designer Kacper Hamilton created seven red wine glasses inspired by the Seven Deadly Sins. Take a look how he represents each sins as a glass: Link - via dezeen...

Calculator Keypad Chair at PantoGraph

photo: PANTOGRAPHI ran across these fantastic bench shaped like numeric keypads and a chair shaped like a mouse by Japanese studio PantoGraph. Can someone who can read Japanese tell me what they're all about?Link (Don't...

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