Archive for July 17th, 2008


(YouTube link) Habanera {wiki}, the familiar aria from the opera Carmen, performed by your favorite Muppets. -Thanks, Andrew!muppets, Carmen, Bizet...

Man who robbed McDonald's to win McDonald's jingle contest?

Tamien Bain robbed a McDonald's at the age of 14, served 12 years in custody, and has made the top five in McDonald's Big Mac chant competition. You can read more about his story of redemption here, and listen and v...

Moon Transits Earth

(YouTube link) This is not a Hollywood special effect. This is an actual video of the Earth and moon taken from 50 million kilometers away. First, the setup. The Deep Impact spacecraft was the one that smacked a...

San Francisco contemplates renaming sewage treatment plant after Bush

Where else but glorious San Francisco? A group of San Franciscan patriots has proposed a fitting tribute for our outgoing President:Reagan has his highways. Lincoln has his memorial. Washington has the capital, and a...

Meet the Voice of Pikachu

YouTube - [Link] OK. Folks who have kids, siblings, or those who absolutely adore Pokemon and Pikachu grab them and show this short video. I guarantee they/you will love it. Pikachu, is the famous cartoo...

Video Games at E3

Today, the ABC World News Webcast reports from the annual Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3) in Los Angeles on new trends in video games. Virtual musician games are hot! Get a sneak peek at Rock Band 2, Guitar Hero Wor...

The 30 Creepiest Trees on Earth

You may have thought Treebeard or the apple trees in The Wizard of Oz were creepy (I did), but real trees can be pretty creepy, too! Environmental Graffiti has a collection of the strangest, scariest, and even f...

American company cures Thailand of fear of ghosts

Ghosts are everywhere in Thailand, but thanks to the Sylvania corporation making its light bulbs available to the Thai people, the ghosts are simply no longer scary. The village they used to film the commercial in loo...

Ever Seen a Creepier Tower?

The Zižkov television tower in Prague, Czech Republic features crawling babies by artist David Cerný. They were attached in 2000 as a temporary exhibit, but people liked them so much, they are still there! See many m...

Wooly Willy

Classic toys don't go away, they just go digital for a new generation. Wooly Willy, the classic metal-shavings toy from your childhood, is now available for your iPhone or iPod Touch. Decorate Wooly Willy, Hairdo Harri...

Cat Adopts Rabbit

(YouTube link) To Snaggle Puss, Bubbles the orphan bunny is just another kitten in her litter. -via Arbroath...

Duck Darwin Awards

Office work came to a stop when it was time for ten baby ducklings to leave the nest. "Something really amazing happened in Downtown Spokane this week and I had to share the story with you. [My colleague] Joel is a...

High Noon

(YouTube link) A nonsensical little story done in a clever style using popsicle sticks, from the Brothers McLeod. See more at their website.

Totally Looks Like

see famous look-a-like faces Totally Looks Like is a new blog from the folks who brought you I Can Has Cheezburger? in which celebrities are coupled with a picture of who (or what) they look like. The submissions range...

YouTomb: Where DMCA'd YouTube Clips Go to Die

The recent decision by a federal judge to order Google to turn over all YouTube user data to Viacom has the web atwitter - but do you know what actually happened to all those videos taken down from the website for allege...

Photography at the Leaning Tower of Pisa

Photo: Heather McDougal's daughter Taking a photo of someone "holding up" the Leaning Tower of Pisa is like a tourist's rite-of-passage. If the angle is right, then the silly pose makes sense. But if the angle...

Which is Better: Charcoal or Gas Grill?

Dear Neatoramans: my trusty old gas grill has been having some trouble lately, so I'm mulling the decision to get another one to replace it. Should I go with gas and be better for the sake of the environment? Or go with...

Ugly Faces of Bugs

A face only a mother (bug) could love ... Dark Roasted Blend blog has an interesting post about the ugly (and scary) faces of bugs and other little critters: Link...

Ambidextrous Drawing by Angie Chung

I'm mesmerized by this video clip of Angie Chung drawing ... with both of her hands at the same time! Hit play or go to link [YouTube] | See Blue Tea blog for more "Performance Drawing"...

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