Sunny Day by Aleksandra Stratimirovic: Art Made From Thousands of Small Glass Vials


For her art installation "Sunny Day," Aleksandra Stratimirovic poured colored liquids into 4,464 small medical glass vials set in front of a fluorescent backlight to create the 2 m by 3 m (~6 1/2 by 10 ft) image!

Link: Aleksandra's website | More pic at Dezeen blog - via Daily Jive

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wow this is so cool especially since im obsessed with vials!

my whole shop is full of them so this is amazing to me!

come see my vials too if you like it is totally different but will maybe appeal to some people - i hope lol

(p.s this is not a spam email i really so sell vials with art in them - promise)

i want to be blogged about on neatorama too :(
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Huh - I've noticed a lot recent art is "look what I can use as pixels!" and called innovation. Surely it's different than paint, but it is kind of a formula being repeated. So far I've seen blood, pennies, legos, people, money, portraits of dead people, portraits (of whatever), shaded balls (metal and wood), colored liquid (above), and a bunch of stuff I'm probably forgetting.
All used as a new type of 'pixel' to recreate a painting.

Neat, interesting, artistic? Most certainly.
But not as innovative as it once was.
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