Groovy-retro Fallout 3 video game trailer

Take a look at this great 50s/Cold War-esque "trailer" for the post-apocalyptic video game Fallout 3. Don't forget to Duck and Cover! [YouTube]

After and still completely addicted to Elderscrolls Oblivion, I will give anything by Bethesda a shot. The game looks awesome. That music had just the right amount of creeptastic quality to grip me as well. Makes me proud to be a gamer chick.
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It is funny how America is obscenely obsessed with the fantasy of being invaded, despite it is probably the least invaded large country in the world.

In movies from UK, China and Japan, the story is usually about fighting imaginary enemies like Godzilla, zombies or some Pokemon. Even James Bond have to resort to killing a fake Bill Gates ever since Russia had disintegrated!

I don't understand this type of story plot.
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Yeah, American films dont have anything about monsters or zombies.

You do know that Godzilla is directly inspired by the effects of radiation from nuclear attack, something only the Japanese can probably understand very well (unfortunatly).

Also, Grave of the Fireflies is a very good Anime about war and nuclear stuff (with no monsters or pokemon).

I think the concept of "being obsessed with being invaded" is kind of a strange perspective. I just always thought that America made movies / videogames about pretty much everything, and anything well done (like Fallout) will have fans.
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it's also important to note that Fallout is more about dealing with a post-nuclear age, and nuclear war has nothing to do with invasion.

And there IS a lot of fiction based around nuclear stuff. I think that's probably due to the cold war, and, you know, all the scary nukes and everything..
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Well done video, but when will video games ever get away from the boredom of FPS violence? With all that great scenery and some imagination, surely they could come up with a decent plot.
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For those making the invasion and 'lack of explanation' comments, The Trailer is more about appealing to people who already understand about Super Mutants, and the Fallout Timeline.

And, to claim that fallout is all about violence is misleading. It's a series of amazing, deep RPGs.

And then there's the violence.

But, if you'd like to catch up and enjoy one of the richest RPG worlds, well, ever...
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