A Leftist Conspiracy: Disproportionate Number of U.S. Presidents Are Left-Handed

It must be a conspiracy: for the fifth time in the last 35 years, Americans will elect a lefty to the White House. No, not necessarily a Leftist liberal - rather, a southpaw:

Both major party candidates are southpaws, contributing to a largely unexplained phenomenon that has vexed researchers and historians — and drawn notice from a federal judge destined for the Supreme Court. Though left-handers comprise just 10% of the population, they are dominating presidential politics.

Their recent success transcends ideology. Since 1974, presidents Ford, Reagan, George H.W. Bush, and Clinton have all favored their left hands, while President Carter and the current President Bush are righties. The trait is also not exclusive to winning candidates: Vice President Gore is left-handed, as are past presidential contenders Robert Dole, John Edwards, Bill Bradley, and Ross Perot. A prominent New Yorker who flirted with a White House bid, Mayor Bloomberg, is a lefty.

Link - via Gerry Canavan

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It makes perfect sense to me. Left-handed people tend to be dominated more by their right brains, causing them to be more creative and communicative. A good leader isn't hyper-analytical the way left brain dominant people tend to be.
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Is Bob Dole really a lefty? I mean, was he born one? His right arm was injured in war, so obviously he's a lefty now.

Still, this whole phenomenon does make you scratch your head.
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