Here's an unexpected side effect of the economic downturn in the U.S.: more and more illegal immigrants are going back to Mexico!
According to informal surveys by the Mexican consulate in Dallas, most of those wanting to return to Mexico cite the sudden scarcity of jobs, fear of deportation and uncertainty about obtaining legal resident status any time soon.
In the last few years, and particularly the last few months, Mr. Sánchez struggled to find work. His earnings dwindled as his children grew up and their needs multiplied.
"People like me, if you don't work one day, you worry about how to feed your family the next day," he said. "We as immigrant workers never have stability, even if the economy is doing well. Imagine how things are now."
Also, he said, there is growing anti-immigrant sentiment that he would rather not experience anymore.
"Those of us who live here live depressed all the time, in hiding," he said. "They don't like us here, and those who love us and whom we love are far away. I prefer to go back, even if it means living in poorer conditions."
Octavia Rivera López of the Dallas Morning News reports:
Comments (38)
I am sure the Blacks are really frightened too - and they themselves are using Mexican people to do their clean up!!!!
What a concept!!!!
But on the other hand, may be the Americans will realize - that they actually have to work and support their own communities by doing their own upkeep and not use minority labor!
Wow what a concept!
"OMG Who are ppl going to get to build those buildings now? Landscape their lawns? Do all of the other "shit" jobs no one else wants?"
Anyways... you know it's bad when the immigrants would rather take their chances back at home. Very sad.
Whether certain kinds of work will get done or not is IRRELEVANT. The ONLY relevant thing is that the leeches have no RIGHT to be here! They must apply to come in through normal channels.
And lest anyone wrongly accuse me of being am "prejudiced," I am happy to say that I speak Spanish and I LOVE legal immigrants!
Case closed!
I think I see a trend here, seems some only have an issue with political topics of a certain kind. Pure hypocrisy!
Anyhoo, back to the regular programming!
I'm not saying illegal immigration is right. All I'm saying is that it's understandable in a country that's so concerned about keeping all the doors locked up tight. Kind of hypocritical, considering the U.S.A's history.
"Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free..."
Yeah, right.
@ Neatoramawontsendmeapassword: The “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free…” line still applies; always has and hopefully always will, but historically people had some respect for the laws of the country they were coming to and the culture they were entering. My ancestors — and the ancestors of the vast majority of US citizens — did, and made their entry into this country the proper way, assimilated into the population, learned the language if they didn't know it already, and became Americans (yes, that term in this context ought to piss a few people off).
The vast majority of the illegals that are here today couldn't give a rip about the rule of law, have no desire to stay here and have no intention to go out of their way to learn the language or anything else. Many of them work, but many also leech off the entitlement system when they're not entitled to a dime. I understand that things may be desperate where they come from, but that doesn't make their well being my responsibility, or yours, unless you willingly accept it. And if you do accept it, that doesn't make it the responsibility of the local, state or federal government.
I apologize - you're right, it was a bit extreme
to say Mexico as the only country -
because not all of them come from Mexico, they also come from Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Costa Rica, Panama, and even Columbia.......
I am sure the indians would have had a commment to that. ;-)
@ HW: *Colombia. It's a pet peeve of mine, sorry.
Because it has been kept that way since time immemorial.
If you have a large unskilled workforce wjho can come and do the jopb for a fraction of the cost then this is seen as a ghreat thing in business circles.
It is even better when they are illegal, so you can force down the low wages and remove any rights, also you get to operate out side of health and safety parameters, thus saving even more.
And when thisngs go sour, tyhrow the work force away.
Anyone beginning to see that their own working situation in the US is drifting towards that?
See when you have illegals, then it presures legal workers too.
But instead of speaking out against the owners and investors in these schemes racist mouth breathers ,who I have read on here time and again, rail against the illegals.
Talk about missing the bloody point.
See dummy, the GMC parts factory that closes down and moves to mexico so they can operate a dangerous plant in a 3rd world counrty, that's the idea, go and bust a Mexicans about the head.
here's an inspired idea, point your anger at those doing the screwing, not the omnes who are getting screwed even worse than you.
Do sopmething practical. Stop buying GMC cars, stop buying NIkes made by child labour in the 3rd world.
Stop supporting companies who have screwed your own countrymen out of their jobs and in many cases pensions.
Blaming a small minoritiy for the woes of your nation has a poor track record,
I'm glad to see them going, but not because they might be thieves or rapists -- that's just good ole fashioned bigotry. I'm glad to see American employers forced by default to pay a legal wage to all of their employees. Not that we're anywhere close now, but if the trend continues, we may actually see the days when no one refers to the, "jobs that Americans don't want to do." There's no such thing. There are only jobs that Americans won't do until you pay them fairly.
Your economy is in the toilet. I know it is and not just via media reports because of how much my dollar (I am Canadian) is now worth vs. the American dollar. I went for a trip to a town on the U.S. side that was near border that was usually doing well. There are large waterfront properties and colonial houses. What shocked me was the amount of foreclosures and crumbling buildings everywhere. There was a mall that had been closed entirely and boarded up in all but one store. I heard two men talking about how one of them lost their job that they have had for the past 15 years. Even the President has admitted that the American economy is in severe trouble, and he is a Republican.
The economy is in terrible shape and it has nothing to do with political alliances. When your new president takes the office, it will still be in severe trouble.
I am sorry to say it because although I dislike your president, I wouldn't wish a terrible economy on any nation.
man this country is so fu**
Polx is right
all of you are blaiming the victim and the ones who think that they have it made cuz their white or have a high income(stockholm syndrome) are going to get a big suprise when they get halled of to consentration camps(o that could never happen-Umm yeah it has ww2 anyone)
I could go on but why bother...........sigh
OK, my history and background (albeit mildly synposized) withstands the rhetoric of the many, please understand that I am very glad the illegals here in the US are returning to their origins. I for one would love to see them become legal taxpaying citizens, but since only 1 in 6 is the bread winner, I won't cry when they leave. I will cherish when they do not cause hospital costs to rise as they do not pay for their healthcare. I will jump for joy when anchor babies become a thing of the past. I do not expect gas prices to diminish much if at all, I don't think salaries will rise at a rate equal to inflation, and my (currently locked Jumbo Mortgage) becomes an albatross around my neck (I have already lost over $100K in home value here in California)
Vaya con dios mijo, Please remember to shut off the CFL on the way out of the barn!
If they do buy a new car, they have it stolen back to
Mexico and recover thier lost through their insurance in America.
as an american,try buying property in Mexico or any other'll pay high taxes and you really don't own it..
also they use free public assistance many americans aren't aware that are available to them...true they come to work and better there lifestyle,,but it's not here,,they don't like american culture or the people..(the gringos,pocho's,mallate's etc)..
they do serve a purpose in the USA, but I think their purpose is over..Mexico and South America etc are going to have to find work for these people..they do have families and have to survive just like all of us..