Volkswagen's new microcar will seat two people and get a stunning 235 miles per gallon!
Volkswagen's had its super-thrifty One-Liter Car concept vehicle -- so named because that's how much fuel it needs to go 100 kilometers -- stashed away for six years. The body's made of carbon fiber to minimize weight (the entire car weighs just 660 pounds) and company execs didn't expect the material to become cheap enough to produce the car until 2012.
But VW's decided to build the car two years ahead of schedule.
A limited number of cars will be produced in 2010. The car will use a two-cylinder diesel hybrid engine, and will automatically shut off at stoplights -and (we hope) automatically restart when you hit the gas pedal. -via the Presurfer
No! The vehicle is not a Deathwish. It has Crumple zones, and airbag sensors equipped. Except, it's a carbon fiber body. so....if you crash you'll be buying another $50 car.
Cut the bullshit, and innovation allows us to go boldly where Americans refuse to go; because they like their beer bellies, and Expeditions on Dubs. Plus, they still think Drilling is the only answer to our energy whoas!
At least HI is making it mandatory for solar water heaters.
Europe is going to leave us in the dust.
I went to college -and graduated- for about what a new car cost -at that time!
Volkswagen already released a car couple of years ago for mass production with an automatic engine shutoff and restart when stopping for more then 3secs.
It's the Lupo 3L with 78 miles per gallon or 2.9 liters per 100 km
I would drive the hell out of it. Saw this a few years back and yeah, it's worthy as garth would say.
they'll produce it with twice the hp, and real crashtest, on real roads, etc. Let's assume you do half of that for real, so it's 118mpg. not bad.
but it's for 2 people only. So for 5 that would be 47.2 mpg.
That's what I used to do with my VW TDi115 (driving it quite slowly I admit).
I don't see that unpractical vehicule as the car of tomorrow.
No place to put my ciggy smoke!
Makes me proud to be American. And you wonder why the rest of the world has such a low idea of us?
Perhaps we're pointing out totally legitimate faults. Many drivers like to have windows -- its just something I've noticed over the years. Perhaps you could even call our criticism "constructive." As an American, I'd love to buy the car when it comes out, but there are certain features Americans expect in their car, such as access to fresh air.
Maybe the world hates nitpickers. Or maybe the world hates self-righteous assholes who shoot off their mouths every time they get the chance. Couldn't really say.
It is a PROTOTYPE, do you understand the meaning of the word?
Besides being unable to smoke in it, I wouldn't be able to get my smaller dog in there, much less The Beast.
It's made of carbon fibre and is light so it is obviously weak.
A magnesium steerign wheel is a fire hazard.
The lack of understanding of material sciences displaayed here beggars credence.
Magnesium castings are not flammable.
Carbon fibre cars don't even deform, they don't need to.
Also, the feeble nit picking about the lights don't wiork , where's the window, the wipers are bust.....good gravy fellas, it's the prototype.
Most P-type cars don't even have lights or any of the other things until they go into full production.
And as for a lack of a window....100kms to a LITRE of fuel....gets some perspective.
I think it is safe to say that this is pretty much the future of cars.
When you make manuy of a thing the unit price is lower as the start up costs are divided.
There is the demand here in Europe, at leat, for these cars, and VW are keen to fulfill that with a supply.
though it probably wouldnt fair well on alaskan roads...
I certainly have no problem with anyone that wants to risk their life driving one of these; that's their decision and their right to do so. But PLEASE allow other's the same consideration of choice if they so choose to drive a larger car.
As for being hit by a Hummer, forget that. What if you were driving one of these and were hit by an 18-wheeler or hit a deer or bear? Me thinks the car would lose....
Listen to yourself. First, you say that people should have a choice. Then you say "you don’t need one person driving a 8 cylinder with a truck that weighs 8600lbs". Which is it; choice in what we buy and do, or being dictated to by someone who "knows what's better"?
We get enough of the "knows what's better" in our life in the form of government regulation and the media's doom and gloom stories. We don't need any more.
Besides, high gas prices will regulate what people drive. If there is a market for this car (which there obviously is), then it will sell. If there is a market for large vehicles, then they will survive. BTW, look at all of the 8 cylinder vehicles with "For Sale" signs on them that people are trying to unload.
So i guess we don't have a choice then. Gas prices have already determined our fate.
Hey, what i think the rest of the world is saying is we have a social repsonsibility. Instead of trumpeting choice, which is just the perpetuation of selfishness. Maybe we should think about ourselves and our future.
"Social responsibility"? I think it's more about guilt than anything.
As for "Gas prices have already determined our fate", I don't think of it as "fate", as I fully expect the earth will last for eons beyond our lifetimes. People have already made adjustments to higher gas prices, and it isn't the first time that has happened (similar situation in the late 1970's).
It's my opinion that alternative energy will eventually take the place of oil, just as gas powered vehicles replaced horse-drawn vehicles. I'm patient and confident enough to wait for that to happen, and am free of guilt about being an American, which is apparently more than can be said about you.
You think it's manipulation of empirical evidence to force people to change via guilt via big government.
I think it's empirical evidnece that cannot be taken any other way. Evidence! Observed and repeatable evidence! It's a black and white.
American? right, what you lack is perspective. America is lacking in everything because of lazy people like you who keep riding the coattails of our greatest genereation. Superfical flag bearers who are more upset that a nominee doesn't were a flag pin. Rather, than be upset at the situation we're in you right wanger. Innovation is what got us here. We were leaders! We were the measuring stick. I can't say that anymore.
I love how you question my patriotism. It adds a nice touch to your baseless banter and your superficial patriotism!
I mentioned NOTHING about patriotism.
And I'm lazy? How is that? I work 56 hours/week (at least). I wouldn't exactly say that is LAZY, would you?
Riding on the coattails of others? How is that? (I can go into details that would specifically contradict that, but I won't do that here).
And a specific candidate that won't wear a flag pin; when did I ever mention POLITICS? And you have the nerve to call me a "right wanger"?
Sounds to me that you have a lot of pent-up political frustration.
Good bye.
Patriotism? you questioned mine. selective writing i guess this time on your part.
Lazy? sure, let's not work on innovation because i'm happy being an 'American'
Coattails? yeah! America is great because of the ground work that was layed by our forefathers. People like you always like to recite that, but want to do nothing to achieve better. Always content with being 'American'
Right wanger? sure, i can assume with all your pent up paranoia of big government.
I'm done!