Max P. Sander's eBay auction ended with 0 bids ... and 1 felony charge! The 19-year-old University of Minnesota student is charged with selling his vote in the Presidential Election (it was a joke, he said):
"The rules are simple, the highest bidder will tell me who to cast my vote for in the election," he wrote. "I will vote for any candidate of any party, as long as they are on the ballot."
He also said that to prove he'd carried out the winning bidder's wishes, "i will photograph myself inside the voting booth with my filled out ballot."
"Good luck!" he wrote. "You're country depends on You!"
He got no bids, and an investigator for the county attorney's office said Sanders told him the whole thing "was a joke." Minnesota Statutes Chapter 211B.13, Subdivision 2, however, calls it "Bribery, Treating, and Soliciting," and it's punishable by up to five years in prison and a $10,000 fine.
Does it? Does it really?? Convict him on the grounds of public ignorance alone.
But I'm surprised nobody bid on it, either.
Kid deserves to be charged for Colossal Stupidity.
God bless America!
I guess the University of Minnesota doesn't have very high entrance requirements. :)
but aside from that, it is only a step down from wjhat got GWB into the whitehouse.
Felony charge for your spelling,too!!