I snapped these photos a while back when a house nearby mine was rented by a movie shoot for a ridiculously large amount of money. Later, I found out that the house is supposedly (emphasis on supposedly, now) for an upcoming tween vampire movie Twilight, based on Stephenie Meyer's novel.
Anyhoo, here are the pics:
It took the movie crews one week to turn the house into what they wanted (complete with fake cactus as you can see in the background of the second photo) ... and after the shoot, they converted the house back into what it was (but with new paint, etc). Overall, it was a pretty neat deal for the homeowners! Now, anyone want to rent my house for a movie shoot? :)
And as for people who are being stupid and bashing Twilight...get a life. Seriously. Just let the girls day dream. Its not their fault that Stephanie Meyer wrote a book that describes someone you can fall in love with. Edward is the vampire version of Mr. Darcy. Men like that are rare and in VERY short supply. So shut up and let them have their fun and raise their dating standards. =)
At least they are reading and not being obsessed with technology now a days.
my best friend lives across the street, approximately 100 yards to the right of where you took these pictures, and i live a little down the ways.
that would be here, up there, comment # 22.