Happy Canada Day!

Today is Canada Day, {wiki} formerly Dominion Day.
On June 20, 1868, a proclamation signed by the Governor General, Lord Monck, called upon all Her Majesty's loving subjects throughout Canada to join in the celebration of the anniversary of the formation of the union of the British North America provinces in a federation under the name of Canada on July 1st.

Please leave your favorite Canada Day traditions in the comments. http://www.pch.gc.ca/PROGS/CPSC-CCSP/JFA-HA/canada_e.cfm

Happy Canada Day! I'm working, but it's slow, so need to pass the time.
A few things to ponder about my home and native land:
- Americans watch out! We've quietly amassed 90% of our population along the border
- We truly are not an independant country. We couldn't alter our own constitution until the early 1980's, and our Head of State is a foreign dignitary (Queen Betty....)
- Only one Bilingual Province (New Bruinswick)
- Canadians have the best bladders in the world. Our cities are so far apart, but I can get from Ottawa to the East Coast with one stop.
- One flag submission during the contest for a Canadian flag in the 60's was 9 beavers peeing on a frog.

Thanks for birthday wishes....you're next.
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i usually dress up as a huegnot, slay some indians, murder the local fauna, infect someone with small pox and breed like a rat. it's fun when you get the whole family to do it, and then feast on the carcasses later that night.
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Go to Churchill Square in Edmonton, pet something strange at the petting zoo, get maple leaves painted on my face, splash in the pool, get in a fight with a panhandler, and get smashed before fireworks. Zakk? I think we met last year...
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Hehehehe! I live in Mississauga, Ont., right by the City Hall and all I have to do is walk 5 steps and I can overlook the festivities. I'm waiting for 10pm when the fireworks will be going off then I'm spending all night out on the balcony going,"Oooooh! Ahhhh! Eeeeeh!?" ;)

Happy Canada Day!
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Wow, I'm embarrassed that I'd forgotten it was once called Dominion Day.

jenjen - hysterical. Americans are always so surprised at 2 facts:
1) that we beat them at the only war we've ever fought each other
2) that we took so much longer to get our own country
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Traditions? Or ATTEMPTS at traditions? We were already in town for our friend's 7/1 nuptials to be held that afternoon and we thought 'why not go there as a married couple?' and trump our own wedding that was planned for a few weeks later in August? This would be HILARIOUS right? My husband and I attempted to get married that morning (9 years ago) right across the Michigan border.

Well the woman we got on the phone at some [empty] government number laughed when we asked if there was a judge somewhere to marry us that morning. She thought it was the oddest thing that people would get married by someone other than a religious figure. Not that trying to get married on a national holiday was enough for her ha ha!

We'll never forget our friends' wedding date nor our tries to marry under the family radar in Canada eh!
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@ prophet

Well, we usually hold large outdoor festivals with lots of music, games, and food. Then at our own backyard parties we gets lots of beer, food, and more beer! Some of us start off impromptu street hockey games...CAR! Then at night everyone participates in the fireworks display all over the cities. The cities display their own firework shows and folks at home will shoot some from parks and backyards. It's the one night when everyone is all at once looking at the sky. Lots of fun!

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Jacob from Group Writing Projects -

Technically, we lost that war to England, since Canada wasn't independent then. But I will say the Canuckistani Navy was a great help in WWII.
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Well, I certainly won't be making yesterday's activities a tradition. Getting stuck in traffic in the summer heat in an un-airconditioned car because a bridge was closed by a "police incident" (jumper) wasn't much fun.
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I drink many Caesars. For you Americans who don't know what that is, it's a bloody Mary but with tomato and clam juice. Ah yes Clamato Juice, ddddelicious! If you come here you must try it ;)
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