Adorable subatomic particles you can cuddle up with! The Particle Zoo is made up of quarks, neutrinos, gluons, and others that each have their own personality. Meet the muon, who lives fast and dies young, the up quark...
Today's Lunchtime Quiz at mental_floss will find out how well you know the places where televisions sitcoms took place. I scored 67%, which surprised me because there were a lot of shows in this quiz I have ne...
(Evil mad?) Scientists at the Hirose Fukushima lab in Japan have created our next robotic overlord: the ACM-R5 snakebot that can slither on land and swim gracefully in the water:The control system of ACM-R5 is an adv...
Betty Jenkins was once an adventurous young woman with a flat chest. Her mother gave her an inflatable bra to attract men. But what happens when you wear a partially-inflated bra in a plane flying over the Andes Mountain...