Archive for June 29th, 2008

Gallery of vintage cereal boxes

WFMU discovered a big gallery of vintage cereal boxes posted by the South Florida Sun-Sentinel that are so bizarre they might as well be plucked from an edition of Photoshop Phriday. Anyone ever enjoyed a box of Mr....

Not Inviting 2 Classmates to Birthday Party Led to Complaint to Swedish Parliament

Bad: Not invited to a birthday partyReally bad: Everybody else in school got invitedNeatorama-worthy: The school saw this, and confiscated all of the invitation cards be...

Do Children Make Us Happy?

Most parents believe that their "bundle of joy" makes their life happy (I certainly do) but is it true that having kids make you happy?According to the latest research, those parents may actually be - gasp - wr...

$30 Cardboard Bicycle

Phil Bridge, a 21-year-old university student in the UK, has designed a cardboard bicycle that cost around $30 to make: Supporting anyone up to 168 pounds, the frame, which costs around $6 to make, is made from the...

Kingman Reef

Photo: Brian Skerry / National GeographicEcologist Enric Sala found a 500-year-old gigantic lobe coral in the Kingman Reef that looks like a flying saucer (the species is likely to be new to science).In the Paci...

Poiser, a Fun Physics Stacking Game

Ryan from Smartkit told us about their new Flash game "Poiser," a hand-drawn physics puzzle game that looks simple ... but it's maddeningly hard (and a lot of fun!)The concept is simple: stack the boxes until t...

Graffiti by Geeks

In his latest series called "IT Everywhere" Paul The Wine Guy photoshopped pictures of graffiti as if they were done by geeks: Link [Flickr set]j - Thanks Jon Jason and Luciano!Previously on Neatorama:...

Remote Buddy Holds and Finds Your Remotes

How many remotes do you have? Are you always looking for them? Then here's something for you: the Remote Buddy, a vertical remote holder that not only serves as a home for your remotes, but will help you locate them when...

Prostitute fashion show in Madrid

Ladies of Madrid's long and hot evenings strut their stuff on the runway in an attempt to improve their status in their neighborhood. The fashion show appears to have been quite well attended. YouTube....

Our Wonderful Nature

(video source link) This delightful animation by Tomer Eshed looks at the mating habits of the water shrew in a way you've never seen before.

100 Films in Under 2 Minutes

Montage-maker Paul Proulx's work has been featured on Neatorama before, but I just couldn't resist myself again: Proulx has recently put together a 2-minute clip that features moments from his 100 favorite films. At...

Google Earth Helps UK Teens' Summertime Craze: Pool Crashing

Ah, Google Earth. It's an amazing technology and service from Google ... which inadvertently helped launch UK's summertime craze: pool crashing!Teens begin by surfing Google Earth’s satellite images to find hou...

Random Inspection of Your Laptop's Content at U.S. Border

I've travelled quite a bit in the past, but I didn't even know about this: US Customs and Border Protection agents can "randomly" seize your laptop, camera, cell phone and other electronic devices at the border...

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