Eminence Orchestra wants to open up classical music to new listeners, especially younger people who think that a symphony is either a milk chocolate bar or music for old people. So they don't play Bach or Beethoven - rather, they composed and play music straight out of video games!
If young people won't come to the orchestra, then Eminence Orchestra will bring music to them ... through YouTube. I'll skip the oft-played Super Mario Bros. theme song (though it's good) - rather, let's listen to something from ...
Metal Gear Solid [YouTube Link]
... or from a year ago:
Final Fantasy VII (One Winged Angel) [YouTube Link]
Link: Eminence Orchestra website | YouTube Profile - Thanks Noel!
Previously on Neatorama: 10 Operas You Didn't Know You Already Like
The music is interesting in its interactiveness - it's ability to change with the action, and in its timbral qualities. Otherwise these are campy arrangements, not unlike pressing the demo button on a Casio keyboard.
The music IS good on its own. Nothing campy about it.
On another note, a student in my graduating class arranged our choir, orchestra and bands to perform 'One-Winged Angel' for his senior project. All of the gamers were practically giddy with joy.
I admit I'm completely biased. I'm a composer and I know first hand that bigger audiences are drawn to tonal music. It's the catch-22 of modern orchestras. In order to stay in business they have to play the same old things over and over. But many/most of the players get bored with that repertoire.
*sigh* It's also partly due to my attitude about art. To me, art isn't interesting unless it is challenging us to think about our world in different ways. Hearing Mario Bros on Bassoon just doesn't do it for me, sorry.