This world map is composed of 1001 web 2.0 logos. Click on the link, then run your mouseover the map to see each logo in easy-to-read form. I was amazed at how many sites I've never heard of. Link -via the Presurfer
This world map is composed of 1001 web 2.0 logos. Click on the link, then run your mouseover the map to see each logo in easy-to-read form. I was amazed at how many sites I've never heard of. Link -via the Presurfer
A dropshadowed logo?
so along with clients asking me to install an AJAX to their site (i'm serious) i now get asked to upgrade their sites to web 2.0! then this is somehow my fault when i tell them that the term is meaningless!
please for the love of god stop spreading this ridiculous term. the internet is the internet, it changes and evolves on a daily basis, to put a marker in it and say "this is web 2.0" goes against what the internet is.
i'll stop myself now before i get really angry and end up writing an essay