MC Paul Barman interviews Wu-Tang Clan's RZA

[pic of MC Paul Barman courtesy Flickr user lobstar28]

Wired's music blog calls it an "experiment in Hip-Hop journalism." Crazy, cool hyper-literate Jewish rapper MC Paul Barman interviewed Wu-Tang Clan's RZA - and reports back to Wired in hip-hop verse. For more on MC Paul Barman see his Wikipedia entry and official website.

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Roger I wish we could hang out for an hour so I could take you through his work. He's pushing poetic boundaries and I do find this art to have considerable depth. He is far from a novelty act, but I would agree that his body of work is novel.
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Adam, you absolutely missed my point! I wholeheartedly approve of you deleting the comment. The purpose of my post was to draw a comparison between this situation and your previous post about the Al-Jazeera controversy. Just as it is your legal right to delete obnoxious comments from a blog, I feel the citizens of Burlington are within their rights to refuse admission to Al-Jazeera if they so choose, for the exact same reason, without being accused of "censorship".

I think you would find it absurd if someone objected to your deletion on the grounds of "hearing all sides"; but that is the specious argument (in my opinion) raised by some defenders of Al-Jazeera. Certainly Al-Jazeera isn't as crude as the individual here, but I consider polished anti-semitism to be no better.
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