Archive for June 23rd, 2008

Zero Dollar Bill by Brian Romero

(Biggify here)Inspired by the soaring price of oil and the continued devaluation of the dollar, artist Brian Romero designed the bill for the increasingly-worthless dollar: the Zero Dollar Bill!If you look at the bigger...

An Artist's Tools: Pen and Ink

I know Kevin Cornell from The Superest, a fantastic illustrator's one-upmanship he ran with Matthew Sutter (covered here and here previously on Neatorama).Kevin has recently written a very neat post on his Bearskinrug bl...

Blogger Paid to Blog About Being Laid Off by The Miami Herald

Brayden Simms wrote for The Miami Herald's Heavy Thrifting, a column about saving money, when recently the newspaper decided to take a tip on saving money and laid him (and many other employees) off.But what's a little i...

Bacon Chocolate Chip Cookie

Here's a little cooking secret for ya: everything's better with bacon. Everything. Including chocolate chip cookies!Ooh, You Tasty Little Things blog has the recipe on how to make your own bacon chocolate chip cookies wi...

Man's Secret to Longevity: "Sit Like a Tortoise, Walk Like a Pigeon, Sleep Like a Dog"

Li Ching Yun had an advice for living a long life: "Keep a quiet heart, sit like a tortoise, walk sprightly like a pigeon and sleep like a dog" - and apparently, he followed his own advice, because Li died at a...

Now Showing: Movie Posters Re-imagined by Artists

"Now Showing" is an art exhibit at the Cosh Gallery in London where artists were given the task of creating their own interpretations of cult or classic film posters from the past. More than 40 creatives are di...

Search Engine Spelling Bee by Converse

Neatorama reader Chet Gulland recommended this strange (and a little easy) little "Search Engine" spelling bee by Converse. It's a little experiment/viral ad using Google Adwords, where to get to the next round...

Third Time's the Charm: Man Broke Into Undercover Police Car Again and Again

Some people never learn! This thief, James Milsom, 21, was filmed breaking into an undercover police car for the third time in four months. The police was familiar with his face, because before this latest heist...

Highest-Popping Toaster in the World

Meet the CO2 gas-powered toaster, the highest popping toaster in the world and apparently some sort of art project by Freddie Yauner:

Unusual Tribal Piercings of a Papua New Guinea Tribesman

Photo: Eric LafforgueFrench photographer Eric Lafforgue took this photo of a Hagener, a Tjos warrior/tribesman from Mount Hagen, Papua New Guinea. The Tjos people, who first saw a white man just 70 years ago, love to wea...

Heart of Glass: Amazing Animation of a Translucent Beating Heart

This animation of a beating heart by the people at Hybrid Medical Animation really blew me away! You can turn the "normal" opaque tissue into a refractory "glass" to see the inner workings of the valv...

The McDonald's Diet: Man Lost 86 lb. Eating Only McDonald's Food

Meet Chris Coleson, a Richmond, Virginia, businessman who lost 86 pounds on the "McDonald's Diet""He said the idea was born out of his wife's skepticism at his ability to lose weight."I t...

New Destructive Sport: Appliance Golf

I suck at golf, but here's a version that even I can be good at: appliance golf. Reuter's Oddly Enough blog explains:You know, it’s a lot like regular golf, but players use sledgehammers instead of golf clubs,...

Michelangelo Code: Did Michelangelo Hide Secret Codes in the Sistine Chapel?

According to a new book by Rabbi Benjamin Blech, a professor of Talmud at Yeshiva University in New York, and Vatican tour guide Roy Doliner, Michelangelo hid a secret code in the frescoes of the Sistine Chapel:The c...

How To Make A Sock Monster (Poster)

This poster by Nicky Gibson can be downloaded here. I'd actually like to try my hand at sewing plush monsters. Can anyone recommend a good instructional book with patterns? (I have no sewing experience at all.)...

Suicide in C Sharp

Gory entertainment from magicians Barry and Stuart. Hit play or go to Link [YouTube] -via Blame It On The Voices...

Typewomen by Matt Sutter

Matt Sutter of Inkfinger created this awesome set "Typewomen," entirely out of type! Each Typewoman is created entirely with type (letters, punctuation, ligatures) in the typeface of their namesake and sit...

Proven By Science!

Reprinted from Uncle John's Bathroom Reader: Fast-Acting Long-Lasting.There are scientific findings that expand our knowledge and make life better for mankind. These, however, aren't such findings, but...

George Carlin, RIP

Comedian George Carlin has just passed away. Known for his acerbic wit and raunchy humor, Carlin was most famous for his "Seven Words You Can Never Say On Television" routine, where he did actually say all 7 wo...

The Turtle Man

Oh, Kentucky. I don't know whether to laugh or cry at this video clip of Ernie "I try not to smile, 'cause I got my teeth knocked out by a chainsaw" Brown, Jr. AKA Turtle Man.Here's a clip of him in action, in...

Indiana Jones and the Curse of the Old Folks Home LEGO Minifig

Flickr user rong_yiren created this fantastic LEGO minifig of the next logical step for Indy: Indiana Jones and the Curse of the Old Folks Home!Link - via Super PunchMore of rong_yiren's work: Post Empire Stormtroopers...

10 High-Tech Coffee Tables

BornRich blog has a neat list of the top 10 high-tech coffee tables for your home. This one above is the interactive LED coffee table, called The Wave, which senses where over the table you put your drink and lights up a...

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