Man Changed Name to "In God We Trust"

Meet In God We Trust, formerly known as Steve Kruescher of Zion. Yes, the man's name change just got approved by a judge last Friday:

Steve Kruescher of Zion has legally changed his name to "In God We Trust." It's true. His first name is now "In God" and his last name is "We Trust." Lake County Circuit Judge David Hall approved the petition Friday.

"I feel fantastic," We Trust said. "I've been praying for this." The 57-year-old school bus driver and amateur artist says his new name fully expresses who he is as a person. "God has brought me through some very hard times," he said. "I feel this is a way to honor God and immortalize that phrase."

God seems to have approved:

He's already had to pay $246 for the legal petition, and about $150 for legal notices in the newspaper. He figures the total cost will be about $600.

And wouldn't you know it? He just received his government stimulus check in the amount of $600.

"It didn't surprise me," We Trust said. "God is with me."

Link (Photo: Vince Pierri)

Previously on Neatorama: 10 Strangest Names EVAR!

nut bag.

then the religious have a long standing tradition of crazy names.

The Lord is my Saviour Bare Bones for one.and his brother PraiseGod

real guys BTW, 17th century London. One of them created the fisrt fire Brigade
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"Efforts by atheists to remove any reference to God from U.S. currency also has him worried. He said the words are an "endangered species."

But now he feels he's saved the phrase forever. "You can take it off the money, but you can't take away my name," he has said previously."

Steve Kruescher of Zion has legally changed his name to "In God We Trust."

..'cause you know, these are the kinda things you have to do to be a good christian and to get into heaven. Moron.

As a christian, i do support removing "in God we trust" from the currency because:
1) money is evil
2) america is evil.
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Yeah, it must be really hard to be a christian in the united states. What with having the all three branches of the government completely christian (with the exception of one atheist congressman that I'm aware of), oodles of money for faith-based-initiatives and the general impression that if you're a 'church goer', that implies that the person is an upstanding citizen, sort of on par with having served in the military.

Must be difficult.
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Be careful not to display your righteousness merely to be seen by people. Otherwise you have no reward with your Father in heaven.

Matthew 6:1 (Jesus speaking)
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Pardon my ignorance, but haven't all names stemmed from something else?

And if the guy was a native Indian would everyone be mocking?

Dances With Wolves, anyone...?

What about these other names:

Dawsons Creek...?
Lewis Carol?

for the international...

Grossenbacher... (this means Greatbaker in German)?

for the historical...

Sarah... (meaning She Laughs)?

Do we call people a scrooge because that word represents a tight-fisted person or because it was someone's name who was tight fisted?

Sure they sound normal now but weren't they all at some point strange-sounding for someones name?

And to the Christians commenting on this thread... read your damn bible, name changing after an encounter was God is pretty much the standard fare throughout the whole of the old testament and some in the new.
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@Alex Fear: True, but in those cases the names were usually chosen by someone else, not the person him/herself. It's a little more pretentious to give yourself a name like that.
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Baker > Probably had an ancestor who baked.
Jamesson > Most likely had an ancestor who was the son of a James.
Dawson's Creek > I'm not sure what you're asking on this one...
Christopher > Means "Christ-Barer"
Grossenbacher > Surprise -- lots of people have names pertaining to their ancestors' occupations.
Sarah > Actually from the Hebrew for lady or princess.
Scrooge > I'm pretty sure Dickens made that one up.
In God We Trust > Not at all like any of the above names. Nor is there really any precedent for naming yourself based on something you saw on a dollar.
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Kind of pretentious, and rather unnecessary. He could've gone with any number of Biblical names, many of which have to do with God. But then he couldn't have shown off his godliness.

This whole discussion reminds me of that "Friends" episode where Phoebe was going to change her name to "Princess Consuela Bananahammock"... and then Mike said he was going to change his name to "Crap Bag". I think Steve of Zion here (hey... why didn't he just use that?) should have gone with "Nut Bag" as some people have suggested.
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IMO, A fine example of yet another typical egotistical, "look at me", "look what I can do!" Christian.

Many Christian demoninations bribe people with money and goods to spread their disease because they can't force people by violence like they used to for so many years because we have LAWS.

In short, I recommend we change the wording on currency to "In Santa we trust."
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God may have blessed him with that $600 stimulus check, but I think those of us who haven't changed our names are a little more blessed cuz we can keep the money.
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@Max Power

Does having a Swiss German friend with the name Grossenbacher count? ... actually I may be confusing the Swiss German spelling.


My bad, it's actually Isaac her son which means "she/he laughs".

Anyway you get the point.
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At work, I dealt with a native guy whose last name was Nothing. At some point, one of his ancestors was told to pick a name, and he picked Nothing.

Something tells me this guy won't have many Wetrust descendants. Looks more like "wet rust" when you take the space out.
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