South Africa Classifies Chinese People as "Black"


The Chinese had achieved a dubious distinction in South Africa: they're officially declared as "black" by the Pretoria High Court!

In a landmark ruling the Pretoria High Court accepted the Chinese as a “previously disadvantaged” group. This means that – at least in legal terms – Chinese South Africans will now be included in the definition of black people in legislation covering lucrative black economic empowerment (BEE) deals.

The controversial BEE policy, under which large companies have to surrender a percentage of their equity to black-run entities, is aimed at reversing decades of apartheid bias. It covers Africans, Coloureds (mixed-race people) and Indians but has been criticised widely as a politically correct form of theft by ruling party cronies.

Under white minority rule the Chinese were classified as Coloureds. In a decision that illustrated the difficulty of applying racial segregation Japanese people were given “honorary white” status – partly because they were wealthier and fewer in number than the Chinese.

Link - Thanks Geekazoid!

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the old RSA used to have racial classification boards.

Where you would be measured for tell tale signs.
Nose width and lip depth, hair curl and the like.

I really wish i was making this up.

It was like some sort of dog show.

And some of the definitions they came up with were very odd, ie the Chinese are black.

Reminds me of a story I heard.

A pilot is forced to land at a US airforce base in Greenland. It soon becomes clear he'll be there for a long time as the weather closes in.

On the base there is little besides a PX store and a cinema. SO he goes to see what is on at the flicks.

At the ticket booth a bored looking Pfc eyes him in a boered manner and points at the sign over head.

It read

US Air Force Personel : $1

Eskimo................: 25cents

The private says, "Military?", no says the man, "Eskimo it is" he is told.
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So if Chinese people are just plain old black how come Japanese are only "honourary white" not good enough to be white but you can hang round with us if you want. To prevent segregation in a country put them in catorgories and give benefits to some and not others...... genius
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