Science Answers Age Old "Why Are Women Attracted to Bad Boys?" Question


Good guys and scientists have pondered the question of "why are women attracted to bad boys" for ages. Now, Peter Jonason of New Mexico State University has figured out why bad boys seem to get their women: statistics - they just try more often!

According to a new study, men who are narcissistic, thrill-seeking liars and all round "bad boys" tend to have the greatest success finding more sexual partners.

Scientists believe that the root of their good fortune is simply that they try it on with more women, therefore by the law of averages are likely to ensnare more.

They say these type of men adopt a more predatory, scatter gun approach to conquests and have more of a desire to try new things which helps when it comes to meeting women, according to the study highlighted by New Scientist magazine.


I would like to second * Miss Universe, but then I would be lying. It's not that I want to like men that behave that way, I just can't seem to help myself. They always seem so sweet and honest at first. Maybe that's the grand trick of it all.
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Umm it simple because we rock. My wife is such a goody goody and I am... well I am certainly not a goody goody. Maybe its confidence/risky thing. What ever it is its awesome and landed me a HOTWIFE
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I dunno, "bad boys" are usually more fun, know how to flirt and make you feel excited; they know what they want and they get it. The "nice guys" who complain about finishing last are usually last because they're boring or they try too hard.
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Neurogirl, I don't think the men you're talking about are classic "bad boys". They are weasels, acting nice up front and then turning bad. Traditionally, "bad boys" are just rotten, right up front. And girls love 'em for it.

A lot of people (women and men) have a deep submissive streak, it's much more common than a dominant streak. Thus, we respond to "strength" much more than weakness. (To be submissive and find a lot of partners, you have to be so cute that people will seek you out and pursue you. A homely or aging submissive is generally outta luck.) Men and women are very attracted to sexually aggressive people, up to a point. But the old adage holds true: you date the wild ones, but marry the nice ones. Being a jerk becomes a lot less attractive as times goes by, and becomes a huge liability in terms of finding possible mates after 40 or so.

Women being attracted to "bad boys" is one of those things that does not speak well of our species. Men act horribly to impress women, and women respond and reward the men by sleeping with them, and thus the men continue to act horribly while women (and other guys) complain about all the jerk guys in the world. (Jerky women are also pretty popular with boys, but their jerkiness doesn't tend to have the catastrophic, worldwide impact that male jerkiness does. Women don't start wars to impress guys.) It's a horrible cycle, and we won't break it until girls own up to their role in helping to make the world miserable, and stop flocking after nasty idiots. Guys will do anything to impress the ladies, so ladies have to show them that being a bad person is not impressive.

(And no, I do not actually imagine that one message board comment is gonna change the world.)
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I think they're thinking too hard with this study. It's much simpler: just about everyone has a secret fantasy of living dangerously with no regard for consequences. Bad boys live that way and, at least on the surface, offer a chance for nice girls to live that way too (maybe just for a night).

Exact same thing with bad girls & good boys. It's just an attraction to excitement. Hardly rocket science. However, it's not likely to lead to true happiness so much as a string of one-night stands, so it's not really that enticing to me. I'm only attracted insofar as fictional characters.. in real life, I much prefer my nice-guy fiancé, thanks.
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i think it comes down to how far you believe or think you understand someone. A girl or guy who's a "bad boy/girl" usually does things that are unpredictable and so that attraction to not being able to understand this persons motions is I think what keeps people "interested"...

I think its also a lack of self esteem, once you feel like you understand someone or you've WON THEM over you get bored and you want to move on to someone you feel you haven't conquered

it's like a hierarchy i think of people you might think are better or worse and i'm not sure now..
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A lot of my bad boy friends left a a number of bitches single with babies. Dumbass idealistic silly girls. Some think-they-know-it-all bitches just can't handle "bad boys".
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You would think this a sound analysis but...............

it's all about MONEY, now.

Don't matter whether you're good looking, a bad boy or an imitator - if you've got the dough and are willing to splash, you'll get what you want.
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The findings didnt answer the question at all....

Thats like saying "Why do bears seek picnic baskets?"

Well you see, there are more pic-a-nic baskets in Yellowstone Park than there are on the streets of Brooklyn. So really, it's the law of averages.

The answer and the question are barely related!

So you're telling me Johnny Depp, in his 21 Jump Street days, was adored and lusted after by women all over the globe because he... propositioned more girls than the competition?? That doesn't make sense.
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Celeste, I dare say that your explanation is much more complicated than the simple, "'bad boys' hit on a greater number of women and so acquire more experience and overall greater numbers (not rates) of success."
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@ ursula-- you're exactly right. (don't you wish you could change the world with your lonely comment? i always do..) the worldly culture will continue to perpetuate this crap until the same worldly culture realizes it's all wrong.. but that will never happen because like 'colo' said, it's all about money these days. and it's not even money, per se, it's the status that comes with it. and it's not even how much money you have, it's how much you APPEAR to have.

max weber coined this money/status relationship in sociology long before it was such a huge problem (as it is today). the best example comes from a window washer- while doing his job atop high-rise buildings on manhatten island, NY, he would see inside these expensive pent houses and apartments. he thought how nice it would be to live in one of these expensive abodes, until he saw what was actually contained inside most of them: absolutely nothing. people would spend loads upon LOADS of money just to be able to have that boulevard address, not allowing them to afford much of anything else. what an illustration of american culture. we flash our spending abilities every single day as means of displaying status. why else would girls flock to buy fake prada/gucci/louie vutton bags? why else would people buy pleather? why else do sports cars even exist? all these are to flex the muscles of our wallet, regardless of whether there's any money in it.. hence our credit-card dependence.

do 'bad boys' APPEAR to be wealthy? some yes, some no. there's the 007 bad-boy wearing a nice suit driving a nice car, and then there's the biker bad-boy touting leather and tattoos. the nice suit and car are attractive to women because it says "this man has money to spend and a good time to have," while the biker-boy is attractive because he appears to be "broken" and women need something to fix. i've dated both of them, and they both suck. i'm keeping my video-game geek because he's soft, poor, and he loves me unconditionally.
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The money factor isn't as strong as one would think. Sure there are many gold diggers out there, and for them money and status are everything. But for the great majority of women.. it's not that they are looking for money, it's more a case of the man with more money can have more fun. In other words, guy #1 takes the girl to a generic and a movie... while guy #2 can take her to much more fun and interesting places (but expensive). It sets the mood and makes it easier to woo the girl, even if she's not looking for the money or status specifically.

And many women like confidence and dominance in a guy. Bad boys shows these traits to the untrained eye. They seem confident (most aren't, actually, but they fake it well) and they seem dominant around their fellow men, either through physical prowess or putting other men down. It's "Alpha Male" syndrome. Many nice guys don't help the situation, because they act timid and submissive, the opposite of what most women want. She sees confident dominant guy and timid submissive guy. Which would YOU choose?

Eventually though most smart women see through the Bad Boy thing, and at the same time many nice guys learn to display real confidence (especially if they are smart/educated and start making good money). So the Bad boys win in high school, college and through much of their 20's. But after that... they are left with with very little. The nice guys, so long as they learn confidence, stand a better chance in the long haul.
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well why has it come to that, that women you feel want the confidant and dominant person? Is it because they themselves aren't confident and its easier to be around someone to make decisions, why in your opinion do women prefer the Alpha Male?

It seems like a game, a game of act this way and get something in return

who would i chose? I actually like shy women, confident women tend to be really snotty and thats just not my thing
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Bad boys are the ones who sleep around and want to bed as many partners as huMANly possible (remember, this applies to gay guys as well). Most of the bad guys try with very little luck. The good guys usually don't care as much about that (one of the things that makes them "good"). And those stand-offish, hard-to-get kind of guys do just as well as the bad apples.
At the end of the day, I doubt you can say more than half of either group is doing great with the ladies, the difference is that one group isn't putting that much effort into it.

Anyway, is there such a thing as an objective criteria for what constitutes "good" and "bad"? When was that settled?
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oh, and to test the theory...

"Could one of you pussycats stop moaning for 5 seconds, get your fingers of the keyboard, and try to put them to better use -- then I'll give you a reason to moan."
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Personally, I went out with my boyfriend 'cause he was damn persistant for a month!
We been together for 3 and a half years now.

So people, just keep wearing down that other person till they eventually give in! ;)
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@ Infomercials: No, because my explanation actually answers the question, and theirs doesn't. There's nothing complicated about an attraction to excitement. Rollercoasters, fast cars, dance clubs, etc. can all attest to that. But to say that "bad boys are more attractive because they ensnare more women" is not really the point. It's not the number of people they've had before you that's the attraction. It seems like with the study they're trying to answer why bad boys might have more partners in general, which isn't too surprising either (bad boys would be less worried about consequences). So basically, they're asking one question and answering another.
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I LIKE NICE GUYS! I dumped a guy when I found out he wasn't all that nice. I laughed at another guy's attempt to get me to go over to his place. Puh-lease. Then I blogged about it because it was so transparent. Maybe some women fall for thinking the guy actually likes them. Maybe deep down we all want to be loved and some of us will do anything to get that love no matter how sad, pathertic and likely to pass a sexually transmitted infection it is.
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whats with the big comments guys?? never mind!!

Which dumb gal would like a closed person siting in a library or dreaming of chess.. sheesh!!!
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