Russian Spa's Giant Tribute to Enema

A health spa in Russsia has just unveiled its tribute to a medical procedure it administers there routinely: the enema!

"We administer enemas nearly every day," said Alexander Kharchenko, the head of the sanatorium which specializes in treating illnesses of the digestion tract.

"So, I thought, why not use our sense of humor and give it a monument," he said of the bronze statue that stands about 1.5 meters high.

Local artist Svetlana Avakova, who designed the monument which cost around 1 million roubles ($42,000), said Botticelli's classic painting Venus and Mars had given her the inspiration to tackle the tricky subject.

Link (Photo: Eduard Korniyenko/REUTERS)

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From the article.

"Likewise, an enema is an unpleasant procedure as many of us may know. But when cherubs do it, it's all right."

When cherubs administer enemas -- the next to last sign of the apocalypse.
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Since I posted a silly short story on my blog,, about a girl who lives in a town where everyone loves enemas, all kinds of my traffic has been people searching for enema stories.

Now you shall be in the same boat. Have fun with this one.
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