The Phoenix Mars Lander has announced the discovery of real ice on Mars! Link -via Evil Mad Scientist Laboratories
NASA has just a little bit more information. Some bright material that was photographed four days ago has disappeared, leading scientists to believe it was ice that vaporized when exposed.
There will be a press conference Friday at 1PM EDT with more details. Link
Update: Wired has the two photographs in gif form so you can see the difference.
NASA has just a little bit more information. Some bright material that was photographed four days ago has disappeared, leading scientists to believe it was ice that vaporized when exposed.
"It must be ice," said Phoenix Principal Investigator Peter Smith of the University of Arizona, Tucson. "These little clumps completely disappearing over the course of a few days, that is perfect evidence that it's ice. There had been some question whether the bright material was salt. Salt can't do that."
The chunks were left at the bottom of a trench informally called "Dodo-Goldilocks" when Phoenix's Robotic Arm enlarged that trench on June 15, during the 20th Martian day, or sol, since landing. Several were gone when Phoenix looked at the trench early today, on Sol 24.
There will be a press conference Friday at 1PM EDT with more details. Link
Update: Wired has the two photographs in gif form so you can see the difference.
We have ice here already, not to mention millions of people starving.
Attention scientists: effective immediately, science is officially canceled. Your services are no longer required. Your 2009 budget will be given to starving people. Please drop off all your equipment at Goodwill on your way home. Thank you.
The Man
By the way im only 15, im just a huge astronomy nerd.
99% of it is about law enforcement TAKING people’s land because of grows. People say, “Legalize marijuana and the state/country will make money from it” but isn’t more money made FOR government by busting growers and sellers and taking all of their property, cars, drugs, etc.? Read history and discover how a lot of law enforcement RESELL the dope and the history of CIA involvement in drugs. Private prisons are in business to get repeat customers.
Non-violent pot smokers are sent to prison to be anally raped and have diseased gangland semen injected into their rectum and may face a life ending disease just because they wanted to smoke a weed. Datura, Foxglove, and other plants which you could smoke could kill you quickly but they are legal, isn’t that fun? Marijuana is illegal today because governments profit from it being illegal. Just like with alcohol prohibition. See LEAP’s website, Law Enfocement Against Prohibition for some good information, and MPP’s website. It doesn’t matter whether people want to smoke pot for recreation or as medicine, it should be legal and they should have the right.
It is illegal now only in places where the people are too scared to stand up together and shout, “NO MORE!” so they grow in closets and pass their money to people on the street who may be buying who knows what with the money they receive. Anyone who condemns a marijuana user is either a member of law enforcement who profits from it being illegal, ignorant, or both. There are plenty of pretenders on-line who are members of law enforcement or collaborators/informants who participate in such discussions as this and try to spread F.U.D., don’t listen to them. Marijuana can and will be legal when the people stand together and say, “NO MORE!” Big Pharma and their liver rotting pain killers and tons of meds with side effects are the real drug dealers, and guess which agency protects them? You guessed it, the same agency which raids marijuana growers and clinics.
It’s all about money in the land of the free, where sharing and community is evil, and stepping on the back of your fellow man to make a buck is the law of the land.
WTF does that have to do with this article?
If you want to rant on about feck all, start a blog like 99% of the other " what I say is important" idiots. Don't bring it in here.
but anyway-- so, ice on mars, eh? anyone really know why we're exploring dead planets? what difference would it make if we knew there was ice on mars? WOO HOO ICE ON MARS! NOW WE CAN... wait.. what can we do now?
some people say "oh golly-- knowing there was life on mars, now we can live there!" no, wrong. we shouldn't live there. why? because we have enough problems to fix here, and we shouldn't drag another planet into our mess. it's that exact mentality that has gotten us into so much trouble here on our own planet.. the mentality that we can just replace what we've broken with something shiney and new. yes yes, i know people do it all the time-- that's why places like wal-mart still exist. but what happened to the REAL conservatives? not the neo-con bobble-heads on "faux" news, the REAL people who actually utilize their resources and save them at the same time-- not just throw them away only to buy a new one. exploration on mars is neat, don't get me wrong. exploration of anything outside our giant ball of rock is neat, but i really think we're wasting a lot of money and man-power just to discover ice on a nearby planet.
If it's a dead planet, why can't we drag it into our mess? Can't make it any worse...
If our ancestors had MoonCake's attitude, we'd still be fish. But then, he'd probably think that was a good thing.
Some day earth will be swallowed by the sun. If earthlings don't find a way to leave then it will be as if we never existed.
look at the temps on Mars
The temperature varies between minus 112 degrees Fahrenheit in the early morning and minus 22 degrees Fahrenheit in the afternoon.
How the hell does ice disappear at those temperatures? it didnt freakin melt thats for sure.
"I don't know anything, but those scientists are dumbasses!"
After the current batch of American engineers and scientists retire or die, we won't be doing any more exploration, because we'll be completely populated by idiots. Leave it to the Chinese and Indians.
OMG they spent money on something we will never use, Thats what the military does How often do they use giant battleships in iraq?
Knowledge is far more useful then money.
Here's how: The temperature and the air pressure is not correct for the formation of C02 "dry" ice. That's it.