Archive for June 18th, 2008

Nurikabe sculpture by Andrew Bell

Wikipedia explains that the "nurikabe is a yokai, or spirit, from Japanese folklore. It manifests as a wall that impedes or misdirects walking travelers at night. Trying to go around is futile as it extends itself fo...

Is Shopdropping (Reverse Shoplifting) A Crime?

Okay, we all know that shoplifting is a crime - but what about the reverse: shopdropping (or droplifting) where you go into stores and actually put things onto the shelves. Is that a crime?Here's a neat article on WebUrb...

Japanese Market for Elder Porn is HUGE!

Meet Shigeo Tokuda, a robust 74-year-old man and rising (erhm) star of a strange yet growing niche of Japanese adult movie industry: elder porn!Michiko Toyama wrote this fascinating article for TIME Magazine:Besides...

Movie Mashups by Paul Proulx

A while ago, David posted about a neat YouTube clip of mashups of Coen brothers movies - it's amazing how well they sort of fuse with each other! - that left me wanting more (and strangely ... wanting waffles. Must have...

Optical Illusion Dinosaur

We posted the 10 Optical Illusions in 2 minutes viral ad for Samsung Soul cell phone a while ago - the first optical illusion (the dinosaur) was so popular that Claudio Branno and the rest of the ad team decided to bring...

Japan to Market Robotic Girlfriend to Lonely Men

Lonely men, listen up: Japan (who else?) has come to your rescue by introducing EMA (Eternal Maiden Actualisation) robot that can be your girlfriend:A Japanese firm has produced a 15-inch tall robotic girlfriend that...

Altered States

Today’s Lunchtime Quiz at mental_floss will test your sense of spacial geography. Ten US states have been taken out of context and rotated. Can you recognize the states by their shape alone? I scored 100%, but the cu...

Duck Walks Miles to Save Ducklings

Six baby ducks fell into a storm drain in Gosforth, Newcastle. The mother duck couldn’t fit through the grate, so she walked along the path of the sewer pipe, following the sounds of duckling cries. She had to cross hi...

Reaching Out for the Out of Reach

Joshua Heineman of Cursive Buildings has been collecting and altering archived images from the New York Public Library. He makes them wiggle, which creates a three-dimensional effect. You’ll have to click the link to s...

Requiem for A Day Off

(YouTube link) I well remember the horror that was Ferris Bueller’s Day Off. I had nightmares for weeks afterward. Ha! This trailer illustrates again how important a film’s soundtrack is. -via Viral Video...

One Sentence

You know how people tell a story, and by the time they say “to make a long story short...” it’s already too late? It’s the same with written stories -they can always benefit from editing. Here’s a great idea -t...

Lemonade Stand Robbed

A group of children in Terra Haute, Indiana were robbed of $17.50 at their lemonade stand. 18-year-old Steven Tryon grabbed the money from Dominique Morefield’s hand and ran off. Morefield chased the thief while callin...

How to Balance 17 Dominoes on 1

If you feel you have too much spare time on your hands, you can always kill a couple of minutes by learning how to balance 17 dominoes on one upright domino. Link - via Digg domino...

Best Movie Posters of All Time

Movie critic TC Candler has a very neat post about the best movie posters all time. Here are his picks for the top 100: - via The Fire Wire, Thanks Larr...

VideoSift: Best Video Clips of the Week #1

I'm happy to announce that our VideoSift feature is back on again - here are the top 5 video clips at VideoSift from the past week that you've just have to see: S...

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