Wall Pwns Vandal

Sometimes you kick the wall, and sometimes the wall gets you back - here's a perfect example of the latter. See how this concrete fence exacts a revenge on this poor guy: Hit play or go to Link [YouTube] - via Boing Boing

I certainly wouldn't have expected a concrete fence to be articulated like that so that you could slide stuff like that down.

Kids do stupid stuff all the time. I know I did plenty of stuff when I was in junior high/high school that could have gotten me sent to prison. You can't really blame them, they just have to learn. I guarantee you that that boy has learned his lesson.
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those sort of fences are very common in the UK, you only need to fix the posts and then just slide the panels in to the grooves fprm yd. yrlv
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Schadenfreude...that word alone just makes me smile.

Did that guy lose his foot? That dumb kid deserved to get hurt, but losing the foot would've been awful.
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