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I love me a good game night. Monopoly gets pretty cut-throat when we're at my in-laws – cheating bankers, people hiding money, my brother-in-law yelling at people about the free market. It's a blast, actually. But I love the word games too – Scattergories is probably my favorite, but Catch Phrase is a good time. Especially if there's alcohol involved. I've been itching for a good game night lately, so to satiate my urge until I can convince some friends to come over and be mercilessly beaten at Clue, here are a few facts about some of your favorite (at least, my favorite) games.


It's thought that Monopoly originated in the early 1900s by Elizabeth Magie, except then it was called "The Landlord's Game" (that's her original patent in the picture). A professor at the Wharton School of Finance at the University of Pennsylvania even started using Magie's version as a learning tool in his classes. Evidence shows it was also used at the University of Toledo, Smith College, Princeton, MIT and Columbia. She took different versions of The Landlord's Game to Parker Brother on several different occasions but was turned down by George Parker every time.
Eventually, a later version of the game was played by Esther Darrow, the wife of Charles Darrow. It was Charles who changed the layout and some rules of the game and began calling it Monopoly. Darrow tried to sell Monopoly to Milton Bradley but was rejected in 1934. Bad move, Milton Bradley. But Parker Brothers again passed on the game too, saying it was too complicated, too technical and too long. However, the company heard about how well the game was selling locally and reconsidered their rejection just a year later. They bought all of Darrow's remaining inventory and helped him patent the board. They also bought Elizabeth Magie's patent to The Landlord Game to make sure that they had undisputed rights. Uh, pretty smart, considering that Monopoly has sold more than 250 million copies worldwide since then.

• For some reason, I always thought the Monopoly guy was Uncle Moneybags. Nope. But "proper" names for him include Rich Uncle Pennybags, Milburn Pennybags and Mr. Monopoly (his most recent name). Some sources say he's loosely based on J.P. Morgan.
• Marvin Gardens is actually a misspelling of Marven Gardens, a housing area in Margate City, N.J. In fact, all of the properties on the "classic" Monopoly board are named after places or streets near or in Atlantic City, N.J.
• In the London version of the game, Trafalgar Square is a red property, Piccadilly is yellow, Regent, Oxford and Bond Streets are green and the blue properties are Mayfair and Park Lane. The railroads are replaced by Underground stops (King's Cross, Marylebone, Fenchurch Street Station and Liverpool Street Station).
• Neiman Marcus once sold an all-chocolate edition. The whole set, including dice, money, hotels and board, was edible.
• F.A.O. Schwarz in NYC sold a $100,000 version, which included 18-carat game pieces, a rosewood board, real money, street names written in gold leaf and various gems scattered across the board.
• The most expensive board even made is a set worth $2 million It's made of 23-carat gold and has rubies and sapphires embedded in the top of each house and hotel.
• Various versions of Monopoly include Batman, ESPN, Family Guy, American Idol, Nintendo, Sephora, and, honestly, just about any other version you can possibly think of.


What we in North America know as Clue, the rest of the world knows as Cluedo. Would you believe that it was invented by a part-time clown? Totally true. Anthony E. Pratt invented the game in England and it was published for the first time in 1949 by a British company. Bought by Parker Brothers, the U.S. version came out the same year.

• The dead dude is known as Mr. Boddy in North America, but he's Dr. Black everywhere else. Also, Mr. Green is apparently alias Reverend Green in some parts of the world.
• Also, some of the Clue characters have little-known first names. They are: Colonel Michael Mustard, Miss Josephine Scarlet, Professor Peter Plum, Reverend/Mr. John Green, Mrs. Blanche White and Mrs. Elizabeth Peacock.
• Characters used in other or deluxe versions of Clue include Miss Peach (not to be confused with Princess Peach), Lady Lavender, Prince Azure, Rusty Naylor and Captain Brown.
• The original nine weapons were axe, shillelagh, bomb, rope, dagger, pistol, syringe, poison and poker.

The Game of Life

Life has been around since 1861... not in the format we recognize today, of course. Milton Bradley himself invented "The Checkered Game of Life" when his lithography business started to go down the tubes (his major product was a portrait of clean-shaven Lincoln… when Lincoln grew the beard, Bradley went out of business).
He had actually been circulating the game on a smaller scale before his clean-shaven Lincoln lithograph took off, but he abandoned it once demand for his lithograph increased. After that plummeted, he focused more attention on marketing and ended up selling more than 40,000 games in 1861 alone – no small feat for that time period!

• Milton Bradley used a spinner to count the number of spaces people could move because dice were associated with gambing.
• In the original Checkered Game of Life, landing on the "Suicide" square put people out of the game completely. Obviously.
• Other squares on the original game board included Prison, Infancy, Ruin, Gambling, Disgrace, Honesty, Truth, Cupid, Industry and "Happy Old Age" (the goal of the game).
• One interesting variant (among many) is The Game of Redneck Life. Careers include Mullet Salon Operator and Monster Truck Announcer. The goal of the game is to get out with as many teeth as you can – through the various fights and brawls you get into over the course of the game, this can prove to be pretty challenging. I'm dead serious.


Scrabble came about in 1939 when architect Alfred Mosher Butts modified a game he had been working on earlier – Lexiko. At first he called it Criss-Crosswords and based the values of the letters on based on letter usages from the New York Times (and other reputable sources). In 1948, he allowed James Brunot to manufacture the game as long as he got a cut of each board sold… which wasn't much, at first. They actually lost money the first year they produced it. Legend goes, though, that the President of Macy's played the game while on vacation and, upon his return to work, was shocked that his store didn't carry it. When they did start to carry it, sales skyrocketed.

• There are 96 two-letter words that are "legal" in Scrabble… including 10 that are spelled with vowels only. I'm so learning those.
• A typical Scrabble board has 225 squares.
• The highest known score for a single word in competition Scrabble is 392. In 1982, Dr. Saladin Khoshnaw achieved this score for the word "caziques," which means "Indian chief."
• The highest possible score a player can get in Scrabble on a first turn is for the word MUZJIKS (128 points).

I realize there's tons of beloved board games I've missed, so maybe I'll turn this into a series… a three-parter, or something. Sorry!, Candyland, Chutes and Ladders, Risk, Trivial Pursuit. Lots of options. Have one you'd like to read about? Leave it in the comments and maybe I'll add it to the list!

Dang! Trivial Pursuit has a question, What is the most frequently landed-on property in Monopoly? The answer is Illinois Ave. I was hoping to someday find out how the hell they know that.
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Actually, Cheeseduck, I think you'll find Risk is much more reliant upon statistics. There's a clear distinction.

(Tactics and diplomacy also factor in)
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Johnny Cat - I would think that St. James Place would be the most commonly landed on property, and here's why: There are more ways to end up in Jail than any other spot on the board, so that makes Jail the most common space to start your turn. With 2 dice, the most common roll is 7. Starting from Jail, that would put you on Community Chest, which is not technically a "property". Next most common would be 6 (St. James Place) and 8 (New York Ave). However, there is a card (I think) that tells you to go to the Reading RR, making Reading slightly more common of a starting place than most other spaces. St. James Place is within 12 of Reading, but New York is not, so St. James Place has the slight edge.
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sparge, perhaps the rule of 7 is what the Trivial Pursuit answer was based on, through averages and the fact that games tend to have upwards of a hundred "laps"...or they just made it up. Either way, they say Illinois.
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Actually, the four London rail spaces are mainline stations, rather than underground stops. There is no underground station called Fenchurch Street, although there are associated stops at the other three.
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I use to play scrabble every day. I learned all the two letter words and studied strategy. Started beating everyone at the coffee shop I hung around at, I was the man. I thought to myself it was time to go to the pros, join a club, these rookies were no challenge. Called myself up to the bigs. I like to refer to that night as "The day my manhood shrunk." If you ever successfully become deluded and happy in a small pond, stay there. Never, ever take your big fish show on the road. The memory of that night made me shiver, that is all.
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Whoa! These are all really oldschool games and they can not be compared to actual games in terms of fun. Alex, you really should try some new boardgames. They are so much better than the ones you show here. I assure you: You will never want to play games like monopoly again.

For a good overview of all kinds of boardgames I recommend It is the biggest boardgame database I know of with tons of gaming related things.

And for a really good introduction to "new" boardgames I recommend "Settlers of Catan". It's a game you can play with all kinds of people. If you like a really good mostly strategic game, give "Puerto Rico" a try or "Caylus". But these are more for "real" gamers than for the occasional one.
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Please do one on Sorry! I used to play that all the time with my sister, this game probably provoked more fights and flipping of game boards than any other game we had.
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Yeah, Scrabble is great. One time I was playing it and at the very end of the game I had 3 letters left, E, N and D. But ofcourse I couldn't use 'em like that, I think I did 'Dens' instead. Murphys Law huh?
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I would like to see one on Risk as well (and if you ever play it with a bunch of career army people I garuntee its more than luck). I would also like to see one on Stratigo (sp?). I loved that game when I was a kid. Trivial Pursuit would be a good one to do to. Settlers is a great game too and every one should check it out. Also, how about some history on some really old board games: chess, checkers, go, etc...

For a good "new" game my friends and I have had very good luck with Apple to Apples.
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I second Frank's suggestion:

REALLY give one of the "new" "german-style" board games a try. Settlers of Catan is a great game and I know several people who didn't really enjoy board games but ended up loving Settlers. Puerto Rico is perhaps a bit hardcore along those lines, but once you do get used to the idea of those kinds of games, Puerto Rico's almost complete lack of randomness and huge number of valid strategies makes it one of the best games ever made.

PS: any game that thinks there are 96 two letter words in the english language is pure and utter crap :)
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You know, it's different strokes for different folks. I play Puerto Rico and Settlers, yet I also enjoy Scrabble. I grew up on Scrabble, long before Settlers and Puerto Rico existed.
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Risk, a skill game? Hahahahahaha! Struggle of Empires leaves Risk players weeping quietly, and has very little of its luck. Not to mention it won't let you hole up in Oz.

Thanks for your awesome list. It takes me back. Though I echo what others have said: it's time to update the collection. Wits and Wagers is a GREAT party game. For Sale and Razzia! are fun, too. Settlers of Catan beats the pants off Monopoly (and I'm a former competitive Monopoly player--Illinois is the most landed-on, but St. James is second-most). Bohnanza is the most fun you can have playing cards with your clothes on (but no one says you have to).

I'd love to see a post about your game group tackling some of the post-1960s games!
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Bring out yer dead. Mark your calendars of doom in ominous blood-red scrawl, for today is the day that American software beast Microsoft Corp. chopped the retail head off its stalwart XP operating system and held aloft (the still unpopular) Windows Vista as its now unavoidable successor.
If the post made in the wrong section, please move
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The highest-scoring competition scrabble word was actually from last year (it was reported on NPR), and was "quixotic", spelled across two triple-word scores. Throw in the 9x multiplier from that, two ten-point letters, and the obligatory 50-point bonus for using all the letters, and the total score was in the 600s. Weird, wild stuff. Do some better fact-checking next time, Neato.
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Surprised no one has brought up Diplomacy yet. Like Risk, only no dice at all. You maneuver by making deals/breaking deals with other players. Takes a long time to finish a game but psychologically interesting. Great game for budding young Bismarcks.
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Word games are the best. I am glad to have seen Scrabble on this list. You had some interesting facts about that one that I hadn't heard before. How about Boggle??? Love that one too. I guess I love most word games. I have been enjoying a new word game (though it certainly isn’t a classic at this point) called 5 To Close. It's a good variation because it is a word game played in teams. I also haven’t played Jumble yet, but I have heard great things about it and it has been recommended to me by others.
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