Ever seen a police car parked illegally? Well, no one is above the law according to this brave traffic warden in Liverpool, England:
With no thought for his own future safety, the attendant leapt into action to make his move on the vehicle.
After noting down the offence, he boldly slapped the penalty charge notice on the windscreen before making a calm getaway, showing that not even the long arm of the law is safe from the scourge of the hawk-eyed wardens.
not saw.
Not necessarily; for most outfits whose employees drive as part of their job, any fines for offenses incurred while on the job are payable by the employee, out of his/her personal funds. The employer can't be held responsible for a speeding or parking ticket.
I'd like to see someone step up like that around here. There is a city ordinance forbidding city employees from using a cell phone while driving, yet it's rare to see a cop driving without a phone stuck to his ear. Then there are the crosswalks; nobody stops. My kids go to a pool that's within walking distance but have to cross a busy street to get there. Yesterday even a cop blasted by them without stopping.
Cops regularly don't give tickets to other cops or government employees with any pull.
Worked, too!