The recently opened Sardar Bhagat Singh College of Technology and Management in India decided that they wanted someone really famous and powerful to be their leader.
So the school officials named Hanuman, the Hindu monkey god as chairman:
Hanuman, the popular god known for his strength and valor, has been named official chairman of the recently opened Sardar Bhagat Singh College of Technology and Management in northern India, a school official said Saturday.
The position comes with an incense-filled office, a desk and a laptop computer. Four chairs will be placed facing the empty seat reserved for the chairman and all visitors must enter the office barefoot, said Vivek Kangdi, the school's vice chairman.
"It is our belief that any job that has the blessings of Lord Hanuman is bound to be a success," said Kangdi.
The photo above is of a Hindu priest (in a wifebeater !?) performing prayers in front of a statue of Hanuman (Photo: AFP/Getty Images)
...anyone remember reading "Mark of the Beast?" by Rudyard Kipling?
Most schools; in fact, all schools worship Hanuman. And not just him, many schools have more than one god, most popular being Ganesh (guy with Elephant head). However, it is unlikely that some one would officially make Hanuman the 'chairman' of school.
1. Ask for reservation in colleges
2. Ask for reservation in politics's
3. Ask for reservation in job
4. Bring vice chairman as mouse
5. Bring Principal as snake
It will continue for ever and India can never progress with such fools. Any thing and everything is god.
I, for one, welcome our Hanuman overlords.
If you have some free time on your hands, look up Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar. He was a very cool individual who fought his whole life for human rights for the downtrodden.
looks like only fucking jews do that