File this under Whaat?: Someone is holding Kelly Myers' lost dog Tinkerbell for ransom ... and when she called the police, they refused to help her:
The alleged kidnapper called the dog's owner Friday morning. But when Myers thanked the male caller and offered him a $50 reward, he demanded $200.
"I just couldn't believe it. I was honestly shocked that someone could do that. We love our pets like we love our children," Myers said.
Worried for her dog's safety, she called the Sheriff's Department, but they told her it was a civil matter.
The finder has the right to ask for compensation for any cost involved with the dog but thats all.
If you can consider the dog worth more than the minimum for a felony stealing charge in you city then the police should respond. But it sounds like your police dept. just didn't want to bother with it because they figured once you got the dog back you would not follow up on the charges. So it would be a waste of their time.
If you really want you dog back pay the money but keep proof of the payment then sue them in a civil court.