Getting There
( link) I confess, this is a solution to a flat tire that I never considered before. Maybe it will work long enough for this guy to get to the garage. -via Unique Daily... link) I confess, this is a solution to a flat tire that I never considered before. Maybe it will work long enough for this guy to get to the garage. -via Unique Daily... up there with "Who did Cain from the Bible marry after Abel died?" (hint: it was one of his sisters), the question of "What happened to Hitler's descendants (if there are any)?" has dogged historians for decades.... finding out that there's actually no law against carrying gun openly, Kevin Jensen decided to make it part of his every day fashion - and to his surprise, no one bats an eye!Here's the story of Open Carry, a moveme... the Neatorama post about a woman who married the Berlin Wall? Well, it turns out that she's not the only one. Here's a story about a woman who married the Eiffel Tower:Erika La Tour Eiffel, 37, a former sold... State scientists, led by Jennifer Loveland-Curtze and Jean Brenchley, discovered a 120,000-year-old ultra-small species of bacteria that lives two miles under the ice of a Greenland glacier!The microorganism's a... turns out to be a smart predator - in fact, so smart that they actually learn which animal to prey on before they are born!Before they have even hatched, cuttlefish embryos can peer out of their eggs and s... part of a group art project "20 Eventi," Jan Vormann came to the village of Bocchignano, Italy, and "fixed" old, crumbling walls there ... with LEGO! - via... Fearnall, whose father died of cancer, decided to shave her head for a cancer fundraising event. But when she returned to work at Nathaniels restaurant, where she worked as a waiter, she was laid off:The mothe..., Iceland ... What's up with all these Scandinavian countries? (Wait, is Iceland Scandinavian, Nordic, or both? Anyways ...)Here's a sad story of a polar bear, the first to swim to Iceland in 15 years, only to be shot... German nursing home got tired of having to call on the police to retrieve Alzheimer's patients who ran away (to their often non-existent homes and families), so they came upon a brilliant idea: install a fake bus stop... did the poodle cross the road? To get away from the groomer, of course!We've posted about Sandy Hartness' extreme pet grooming before, but to our delight, we found a gallery of her past creations at the Daily Mail. (..., wanna free £5 notes? That's the experiment that Tim Moss of loan price comparison website ran in England one day. Surprisingly, he found that most people actually couldn't be bothered to... business name should tell you what kind of business it is, and it should be memorable. This one certainly is! Best Week Ever has pictures of 50 storefronts featuring giggle-inspiring puns. Link -via I Am Bored... Hope McCartney was born twice, once at six months gestation when she was brought out for surgery, and again at eight months. An ultrasound showed that Keri McCartney’s baby had a tumor the size of a grapefruit, b... Nicklen is a photographer for National Geographic Magazine. Over the course of several days last year, he developed a relationship with a 12-foot 1,000 pound leopard seal. She brought him penguins to eat and even... Color Sense Game from Pittsburgh Paints finds your “color personality” based on your five senses, your interests, and your style. Each resulting personality gives you lots of colors to work with. My color persona...