Dude, Where's My Pyramid?

Archeologist Zahi Hawass and his team have discovered a 4,000-year-old "missing pyramid" built by King Menkauhor, an obscure pharaoh who once ruled ancient Egypt:

In 1842, German archaeologist Karl Richard Lepsius mentioned it among his finds at Saqqara, referring to it as number 29 and calling it the "Headless Pyramid" because only its base remains. But the desert sands covered the discovery, and no archaeologist since has been able to find Menkauhor's resting place. [...]

Although archaeologists have been exploring Egypt for some 200
years, Hawass says only a third of what lies underground in Saqqara has been discovered.

"You never know what secrets the sands of Egypt hide," he said. "I always believe there will be more pyramids to discover."

Link (Photo: Nasser Nasser/AP)

Having not read about it, Id guess that the top of the pyramid was disassembled to use in other building projects. Why quarry the stones when you can just take them from King Menkauhor's tomb. He's dead, he wont mind.
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