Archive for June 5th, 2008

The Ultimate Sacrifice for Music: Castration!

The following is reprinted from Bathroom Reader Plunges Into History AgainForget Van Gogh; he only lost an ear. It was the great catrato Farinelli who made the ultimate sacrifice for art: he gave up his nu...

Office Attack Audio Discovered!

Remember the office attack we posted about before on Neatorama? Well, Eric Striffler recently "discovered" the missing audio.See what got the guy so angry: Link [embedded YouTube clip]...

Dude, Where's My Pyramid?

Archeologist Zahi Hawass and his team have discovered a 4,000-year-old "missing pyramid" built by King Menkauhor, an obscure pharaoh who once ruled ancient Egypt:In 1842, German archaeologist Karl Richard L...

You Know You're From California If ...

From Miss Cellania, here's a post titled You know you're from California if ... 2. You make over $300,000 and still can't afford a house.10. Gas costs $1.00 per gallon more than anywhere else in the U.S.14. It's bare...

Boy Died of Secondary Drowning (or Dry Drowning) an Hour After He Left Pool

Johnny Jackson went swimming for the first, and sadly the last, time. The 10-year-old boy drowned ... about an hour after he left the pool. Here's something every parent should know: the strange case of secondary drownin...

The Nine Dot Puzzle

Puzzle: using 4 straight lines, connect all nine dots without breaking the line (i.e. lifting your pen off the paper. Don't do write on your computer monitor, mmkay?). Easy? Can you do it with 3 straight lines?Display so...

AquaLOOP: The Best Water Slide Ever!

This YouTube clip shows you what definitely is the most-awesomest-est water slide EVAR! Check out this AquaLOOP water slide in Morvci, Slovenia, which comes complete with a trap door that drops you on an almost vertical...

Thief to Guards: We're the Alarm Company, Please Ignore Any Alarm Tonight ...

And now, a plot that is worthy of a Hollywood movie: Hours before a daring heist at the University of British Columbia, surveillance cameras mysteriously went off-line ... then came a phone call:Around the same time,...

How Obama Did It and How the Internet Helped Him

When the race for the Democratic nomination for president, Hillary Clinton was well ahead of everyone else in pretty much all metrics. So what happened? How did Obama win - and win handily - at the end? Karen Tumulty wro...

Not-So-Thrifty Gas

LAist featured photographer Marshall Astor took this photo of a not-so-thrifty gas (4.76 for unleaded plus!) at a "Thrifty" gas station in San Pedro, near Los Angeles harbor:This gas station's prices have g...

How to Trigger an Earthquake: Human Activities That Cause Earthquakes

Humans are hopeless when it comes to earthquakes, right? Not so, according to Christian Klose, a geohazard researcher (who knew there's such a thing?) at Columbia's Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory. He is arguing that hu...

HA Schult's "Trash People" and Other Art from Trash

WebUrbanist blog has a neat post about artists who create art from trash. This one to the left is HA Schult's "trash people":HA Schult’s haunting ‘trash people’ have graced the streets of...

Google Logo Redesigned by Kids

Google asked US students in grades K-12 to re-design its logo around the theme "What if ..." This one above is titled "What if we met aliens?" by Shanna Schacher, Oregon. NBC11 has a gallery of the fi...

New Book by Adam "Ape Lad" Koford Coming Soon

A big congrats to our pal Adam "Ape Lad" Koford, the fantastic artist behind the weekly Caption Monkey game as well as the Neatoramanaut, Neatoramabot and other t-shirt designs: he has a new book coming out tit...

Living without Sex for 85 Million Years

Bdelloid rotifers are tiny transparent animals that live in damp places. They reproduce asexually by laying eggs that don’t need to be fertilized. They are not the only animal that needs no males to reproduce, but they...

Hair Hats

Hats made from hair? It’s an art project by designer Nagi Noda (featured previously at Neatorama here, here, and here). I can’t think of an event to which you’d want to wear one of these! http://www.uchu-country....

How the Web was Won

Vanity Fair has an in-depth look at how a Cold War defense project somehow led to MySpace and YouTube. The 50-year history of the internet, told by the people who made it happen. Bob Taylor: There were individual in...

Luxurious Swimming Pools

Take a look at 15 Of The Most Luxurious Swimming Pools On Earth. You may actually see one of these some day, since they are all at hotels. At least you can dream! Pictured is the pool at the Four Seasons Resort in Jimb...

It’s not a tumor, it’s a towel!

Doctors performing surgery on an unnamed man in Japan found out that what they thought was a tumor was a surgical towel that had been left inside him 25 years ago! The patient had been carrying the cloth since 1983,...

What is it? Game 65

Yup - it's one day early, but here it is: our weekly collaboration with What is it? blog. Do you know what this strange tool is used for?Place your guess(es) in the comment section - one guess per comment, but you can en...

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