Caption Monkey 32: Knock Knock. Who's There? Separation Anxiety, That's Who!

Photo: OliB

Wow (bow?) - today's Neatorama and Hobotopia's Caption Monkey game is a photo from a fantastic section of the Los Angeles Times that I've just recently discovered. It's titled "Pets Behaving Badly," a gallery where you can submit photos of your pets doing things they shouldn't be doing: - via Your Scene blog

This one above is titled "Separation Anxiety," and is submitted by OliB. I guess the dog really don't want to be left alone!

Funniest caption will win a free drawing by Adam "Ape Lad" Koford (Check out his blog Hobotopia here). Good luck!

Update 6/5/08 - Adam has picked the winner! Congrats to tripleX who submitted the winning caption: "I hate ‘knock, knock’-jokes."

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What, tripleX wins by volume? Should everyoe follow the shotgun strategy of submitting enough inane comments you will win by making people too tired to laugh at the truly funny ones? Please.
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@ JordanJo
I just read your comment. I'm sorry if you feel I send too many comments. There are actually more comments I don't send then comments I do send. The 'problem' is, that I never know what other people think is funniest.
I'm really holding back, and send a few at a time.
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